Well today I got Mike's birthday present and wrapped it in Harry Potter paper. Why? Ron was looking super-euro-hip on it, that's frickin why! ( Read more... )
Well, haven't been up to much except selling my soul at work. Friday night was a blast with the ladies. Saturday mornings are interesting I must say. There's this motely crew of guys that come in and all they do is play chess. Then there is this group of 3 or 4 old men who can't hear so they talk really loudly in the middle of the cafe. They bitch
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Besides being a hot mama JK Rowling is such a teaseI'm still in the process of getting over the weird headcold. I had some trouble with the medicine so I'm not going to take it anymore. It gave me serious chest pains... and I found out today it was a really good thing I didn't drink any this weekend while on it. That would have been very, very bad
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It's odd the things people will tell you when they know you have a psych degree. At work I'm about to pick up "I hate you, don't leave me" by Kreisman & Straus on Borderline Personalities. I remember studying it in psychotherapy, Marilyn Monroe's picture will always grace in the pscyh books for this. It should be a good read. And I don't mind when
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Well, in the near future I'm going to enlist in the air force. I'll see what I can do for mental health. But it will be awhile. Also, I need to lose weight, they can't take me if I don't meet their requirements =) I did well by getting my degree. I will bring home the bacon. The only bad thing is having to leave the family and the wonderful Mike.
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