001. Name/Age/location/DOB: Amanda/14/New Jersey/August 7, 1990
002. Gender?: Female
003. Sexual Preference?: Straight
004. Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: Boyfriend, Jake
005. Piercings/Tattoos?: Just ears.
006. Bands? list 10 or more: Jimmy Eat World, Death Cab for Cutie, The Bled, Senses Fail, Underoath, The Rocket Summer, Lovedrug, JamisonParker, Hellogoodbye, He is Legend, Fall Out Boy, Dashboard Confessional
006a. - Last Song listend to?: A local artist, Hal Galardi- I Won't Care. He sounds kinda like Dashboard.
006b. - What is your favorite song (currently)? (song/artist. If nothing, last thing you were listening to): Tiny Vessels by Death Cab for Cutie
007. Movies? life 7 or more: Donnie Darko, Garden State, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, You Can Count on Me, Rushmore, Jeux D'Enfants (Love Me if You Dare is the English title), I ♥ Huckabees, Ferris Bueller
007a. - Last Movie watched?: Army of Darkness. My boyfriend wanted to watch it lol.
007b. - What is your favorite movie (currently)?: Donnie Darko
008. Books? list 5 or more: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Angels and Demons, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Gospel According to Larry, Gossip Girl
008a. - Last Book read?: Heavy Metal and You
008b. - What is your favorite book (currently)?: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
009. Favorite Hobby?: Acting
010. Opinion On Yourself?: I saw a picture of myself two years ago and all I can say is I've improved dramatically. I think I've still got a way to go, but it's a whooole lot better.
011. Best Feature Of Yourself?: Physically, probably my eyes or something. Personality, my sense of humor.
012. One thing you could change about yourself? (do not say weight): My fear of rejection
013. Opinion On self inflicted pain?: I think there's better ways to release pain than to cause yourself more.
013a. - Opinion On Homosexuals?: There's nothing wrong with homosexuals. They're normal people. I don't know why they're treated differently in society.
013b. - Opinion On The whole "scene"?: I like a few scene bands, but obnoxious scene kids are never cool. So as long as you're not obnoxious and stupid, fine with me.
014. Any opinion you'd kill for?: Gay marriage or abortion.
015. Promote in info and 2 other locations:
- one - two - three - What do you like about the mods?:
- parris. - I think I was in a community before with him and he is too cool.
- chadwick - I realllly like her hair from what I can see.
- justine - I MISS JUSTINE! She's toooooo cool <3
017. Where'd You Hear About This Community?: I was surfing.
018. Pictures!
(At least three clear ones of your face,and one body shot)
Kinda blurry but I had to take one quick.
(post them and a 200x200, please)
019. Why do you think you should be in this community?: Cause at least one person has to want me here.
020. ANYTHING ELSE TO KISS ASS?: You guys rock.