Yesterday was the Boat Club Poker Run!! I went on Donnie & Sherry's boat with several friends! It was a blast!!
Here's the captain of our vessel.
We rode around the lake and the river. Kathy a.k.a. LuLu decided to take a little rest while we were cruisin'!!
Stop number one was at Brent McManus' boat house where he had Margaritas and Bushwhackers! It was our last chance for A/C for the day! So...we lingered there for a little bit! Here's what the outside of the boathouse looked like.
After we left Brent's, we went to Rick Shetler's for pizza and a band. It was way crowded. There were at least 40 boats there all tied together to make an island of boats! People would just walk across all of the boats to get to the dock!! It was really really hot there so some of us went swimming. The lake water smelled like s**t and was like the temp. of bath water but there were some cool spots running through it and it was somewhat refreshing none the less!
After we left Rick's we cruised around a bit then went back to the boat club to play our poker hands, see if we won the raffle and eat! There was quite a crowd there too.
We were so hot and tired at the end of the day. None of us won a poker hand or a door prize in the raffle but we had a good time and made some new friends!