
May 20, 2005 19:08

Christ, I'm bored.

** basics **
Name: Marisa
Nickname: Mo, Marisaface, Riss, Risa, More Beer (ick)
Gender: Female
Location: Skeeno, Nevada
Where'd you grow up: Technically in Scottsdale, but I don't count any of those years...
Where do you want to live in the future: Tacoma/Olympia and eventually Portland, Maine
Birthplace: Scottsdale, Arizona
Birthstone: Ruby
Birthday: July 17, 1985
Sign: Cancer
Righty or Lefty: Right!
Screenname: radical abacus or fixationwithfrustration for yahoo.

** your looks **
Height: 5'6"
Shoe size: Boys--size 6...I don't usually wear girl shoes
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: About ear length...I'm trying to grow it out.
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses: Black rimmed "emo glasses"
Braces: Ugh, I'm going to have to get these soon...all because I have multiple sets of teeth fighting for supremacy in my mouth.
Piercings: I'm getting my nose done really soon...hopefully!
Tattoos: None yet

** fashion **
Where do you shop: Thrift stores, ala Savers
What do you usually wear: Black hoodie, camo pants, band t-shirt, bandana, Converse
What kind of shoes do you wear: Converse, or my bowling shoes
Do you wear a watch: Not generally. Sometimes I get the urge to know the time
Color you never wear: Anything insanely bright like neon green or pink
Color you wear at least once a week: Black. 'Cause I'm alternative like that
Something you wear everyday: Bandanas
Do you wear make up everyday: Nope. Sometimes I'll get the urge to coat my eyelids in eyeliner or put on some lip gloss, but usually not
Make up essential: Black eyeliner
Most cherished piece of clothing: Black hoodie
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing: Spandex
Do you wear belts: Not usually but I have wanted to wear a bullet belt cause that's CRUST
Do you wear hats: Not usually
How many pairs of shoes do you have: A lot, but I usually only wear my Converse (pre-Nike) or my bowling shoes, or my combat boots.

** music **
Favorite kind of music: Anything with the suffix core.
Least Favorite: Mosh metal and tough guy hardcore. I'd rather listen to Britney Spears than Hatebreed
How many CD's do you have: Some
Last CD you bought: I Object--the First Four Years
Whats in your CD player right now: No clue.
Do you download music: Nope

** Favorites **
Color: Blue and white
Season: Summer
Ice cream: Chocolate chip cookie dough
Store: Sound And Fury, Savers
Band: Left For Dead/Six Degreees of Separation
Singer: um
Rapper(s): Salt-n-Pepa
Group: your dad
Song: no clue! tons of songs
Movie: Requiem For a Dream
Actor: ?
Actress: ?
Kind of movies: Anything to mack on babes to
Place to be: the record store, at friends' houses, shows, the Spacement
Time of day: Evening/night
Clothing Brand: none
Animal: Cat
Food: Stuff rich in sodium to clog my artieries with
Holiday: eh
Word: floccinaucinilipilification
Candy: 5th avenue
Drink: iced/hot tea
Kind Of Weather: warm but breezy
City: Oh shit...lots. Tacoma, Olympia, San Francisco, San Diego, Reno, Boston, Portland (Maine), Paris, London, Seville

** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference: boys
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Der
Crush: I'm surprisingly devoid of crushes
Do you believe in love at first sight: Nope.
What do you look for in a guy/girl: Intelligence, beautiful smiles/eyes, (neck) beards, pale skin, dark hair
Best physical feature: Not really a feature but when boys have pale skin and black tattoos. Errrr...
Best hair color: Dark
Best eye color: w.e

** randoms **
Do you paint your nails: No
What color is your tooth brush: red
What's on your desktop: Some anime character my sister digs
Do you like roller coasters: FUCK YES
Do you do drugs: No
Are you a virgin: No
Do you have any pets: 1 dog, 2 cats
What time do you go to sleep: Whenever

** when was the last time you **
Cried: A long time ago
Played a sport: When I was 10
Laughed: Today, at Matt
Hugged someone: Today
Kissed someone: Today
Felt depressed: Not in a long time
Felt overworked: Today
Faked sick: Long ass time ago
Lied: I try not to lie

** what was the last **
Word you said: Okay
Thing you ate: sun chips
Song you listened to: 7 Seconds--Here's Your Warning
Thing you drank: Pink grapefruit tea
Place you went to: work
Movie you saw: Whatever
Movie you rented: See above
Concert you attended: Greyskull, Disconnect, Arabella, Bafabegiya
Thing you wore: clothe

** who was the last person you **
Hugged: Alex
Cried over: ?
Danced with: Michelle?
Shared a secret with: Mari
Had a sleepover with: Mari
Called: Ginny
Went to a movie with: Probably Alex
Saw: my sister
Were angry with: my mom, slightly
Couldn't take your eyes off of: Stephen and his handsome beard
Obsessed over: No comment

** have you ever **
Danced in the rain: yeah
Kissed someone: yeah
Been on a date: yeah
Done drugs: xxx
Drank alcohol: xxx
Slept around: no
Partied 'til the sun came up: In a non alcoholic way, yes
Had a movie marathon: yes
Gone too far on a dare: no
Spun until you were immensely dizzy: yes

Please convince me not to delete this journal after all
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