Wow Emily..KT is right. Someone was looking out for you! I can't believe you got five stiches! Well I hope that you heal up and that the rest of your break goes well! ~Clova
Hey Emily this is Megan Bartlett I hope you're okay I was was like freaking out at Mr. Hamilton's after that incident because the light landed right in front of me and some glass cut my hand but I'm alright. Hope you're doing okay because your injury was much worse. Love ya lots!! See ya Sunday.
Yeah it would be really bad if you couldn't see!! I would have been like crying and screaming if that light hit me I don't know how you just said oww and walked into the house. That was so crazy!!
Megan you are too cute... I remember seeing you shaking at Mr. Hamitons house..shaking alot. i am glad you and Emily are both alrighy. Oh this is Jayme York.. from church (Obviously)
I'm glad that you are alright! I'm also sorry that your brother laughed at you when he found out... dorkus. I'm glad that all is well and I love you lots!!!!! hearts and hugs! :)
Comments 12
Oh this is Jayme York.. from church (Obviously)
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