OOC: La la la infopost + Availability

Jul 04, 2013 14:50

HELLO AND WELCOME, NEWBIES! And thank you for providing me with an excuse to shove gifs into a post again!

(everyonestype | PB: Colton Haynes)

  • 17, senior in the fall, from MTV's Teen Wolf but different continuity from Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski.
  • Rooms in 222 with Jim Kirk. Yes, they get on each other's nerves exactly as much as you might imagine.
  • Kind of a bag of dicks. It's not you, it's him. You're too insignificant for it to be you. Also, your problems are not his problems and you can't make him care.
  • Werewolf. More specifically, a baby werewolf in that he's only had to go through one full moon so far. This means he has all the good stuff that comes with being a werewolf (senses, speed, strength) but barely any of the ability to control it. Fun. So yeah he'll be a probationary member of the Fandom pack until he gets his stuff under control.
  • Also used to be a lizard monster but he got better.
  • Has far too many issues to list here. Just be advised that beneath the smugger than thou exterior lies the heart of a deeply insecure dude.

    (whenshewasnice | PB: Brie Larson)

  • 18, graduate of FH Class of 2013, from the Scott Pilgrim comics.
  • Rooms in 227 with her cat Mr. Moxy.
  • Mild-mannered to an extreme and pretty distant until she deems you worth more. It's not you, it's her. Even once you get to know her, she's pretty dry and subdued but once she smiles, at least you'll know she means it.
  • Despite general nerdery and bookishness, has cartoon strength and endurance with good reflexes, along with some innate martial arts skills.
  • Also she can see past the fourth wall and comment on your PB's other work and read your narrative so on, but only for comedic effect! She never gets anything useful out of it. Just jokes that go right past everyone else's heads.
  • Broke up with Sam LaCroix this past December after a year of dating, and is finally starting to actually get over it. Kind of. It's all very messy and complicated.
  • Probably related to the above, spends an awful lot of time with Jim Kirk although they're not friends. According to her. Just really close.
  • Pretty much Peter Wiggin's BFF although neither of them would call it that. It's pretty complicated in a weirdly easy and comfortable way.
  • TAing for Dr. Bruce Banner's meditation class this term.
  • One day she'll be indie art rock superstar Envy Adams. But not yet.

    (solarhippie | PB: Amber Heard)

  • 17, senior in the fall, from the Runaways branch of the Marvel 616 universe but different continuity from Gertrude Yorkes and Victor Mancha.
  • Currently spending the summer back home in LA for heroic reasons, except she's about to leave for outer space, like, tomorrow. DUN WORRY THO SHE'LL BE BACK FOR THE FALL.
  • Not actually human: she's from Majesdane, which explains why her true form has her glowing in all the shifting pastel hues of the rainbow and also she can fly and shoot energy projectiles and whatnot.
  • Super sweet, super loyal, bubbly, and caring. You could not hope for a better friend.
  • Dating Liara T'Soni but that's about to get complicated since her fiancé/e is about to show up and whisk her away to space...

    (electrocynic | PB: Claire Keelan)

  • 32, FH guidance counselor, from the short-lived Britcom No Heroics.
  • Lives in MCA #5 where she occasionally short-circuits the building with her powers.
  • Oh yeah, she has the power to command machines with her voice, except she can lose control of it if she gets agitated or something.
  • Really working class (superhero) English, with an obvious accent.
  • Cynical, abrasive, has a temper and a tendency to make fun of all people equally. These are some great qualities for a counselor to have, right?
  • Actually sometimes gives really good advice because her tendency to cut through the bullshit can also be helpful.
  • Counseling sessions available by IC and OOC request, as well as through modding a random check-up email from the school administration.

    (cannotdenyher | PB: Gabriel Macht)

  • Undead 30-something, teacher, from the movie The Spirit.
  • Current adress unknown, but he's about to move into the warehose district for the second summer term.
  • Rarely seen without his hat, his big black coat, and his red tie. Never seen without his mask. Generally acts like he's from the 1940s although his world has smartphones.
  • Loves his city. Likes Fandom fine enough. Currently committed to protecting both to the best of his abilities.
  • Loves women too. All of them. But in a respectful way! I mean unless they request otherwise...
  • But seriously, he's a charmer and I need to get him out more so he can show that off and flirt at everyone.
  • Teaching Charming You Way Into And Out Of Things this term, TA'd by Theo Langstrom.

    (breakfastlover | PB: Channing Tatum)

  • 31, Caritas' Friday night bartender, from the movie Magic Mike.
  • Lives in the previously abandoned, still kind of creepy-looking mansion on Phoenix Way with Derek. Also houses some werewolves in his basement once a month. And Stiles for good chunks of the rest of the month.
  • Friendly and nice and all that good stuff because it's just easier to get on with your life if people like you. If you're being stupid he won't hesitate to tell you, though. But only because he's looking out for you.
  • As throughaphase once put it in a meme: "You found a guy living in your house and you not only let him stay, you made friends with him." That's basically Mike in a nutshell.
  • Does a lot of construction work off the island. Also builds furniture from recycled materials. If you need a one-of-a-kind table, he's your man.
  • Used to be a stripper. Most of his friends know this by now, and he's not ashamed of it. He was excellent at it, and boy's got some serious moves.
  • In fact you should all hit up the bar on his night and make him dance.

    (vanillajello | PB: Brie Larson)

  • 19, flight attendant, from the Showtime dramedy United States of Tara.
  • Lives in Kansas City with her boyfriend Nobody Owens and their adorable Corgi puppy Seamus von Slade.
  • Snarky and witty and totally butt-crazy in love with her boyfriend.
  • Mostly shows up in Fandom to hang out at the Devil's Nest because that's where most of her on-island family are. Her creepy uncle even owns the place.
  • One day may come back to teach being awesome.


  • 25, demonically charismatic queen of the North Pole, from Finland.
  • justonepersona at gmail dot com, queencorazon, @QueenCorazon.
  • One of your friendly neighbourhood admins.
  • EET, which is EST +7.
  • Currently on summer break from the university and therefore around at all random hours of the day. Usually emailing Tracy about Brie Larson's boobs or something equally worthwhile.
  • Working on MA thesis and crying about it.
  • Working on a new short film and crying about that too.
  • Okay I haven't actually yet progressed to actual tears re: either, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually.
  • IDK what else to say here. Questions, comments, cookies with cherries and chocolate?

  • Also, availability notice! I'm leaving to visit 'netless relatives again tomorrow, back on Wednesday. In the meantime, Nat and Jackson will be animals in the care of Peter and Jim, respectively, the Spirit is on an unexpected trip to Central City, Mike is around but busy (with modding rights to Derek), and Electroclash is around but quiet, with modding rights to no one because pffft. Try not to break anything (NO BREAKING THE NEWBIES!) while I'm gone.

    !ooc: infopost, !ooc: availability

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