We Both Go Down Together

Jul 07, 2005 23:02

I was going through an old tote with my stuff in it and I found this poem a true friend, Liz Gothard, wrote me years ago. I cried when I read it the first time and when I read it tonight it warmed my heart greatly.

Sorry for forgetting a lot of these things Liz. Can I get a do-over?

The poem that doesn't rhyme
Just because it doesn't rhyme
Does mean it doesn't come straight from the heart - which is what a poem is
Don't ever be afraid to stand up for what you believe,
Of all the feelings in the world,
Yours are being shared by someone close to you
Your Real Friends feel your pain, and know your happiness
Don't Forget there's always A good side to all Bad
The worse things get, The better things will be
You are never Alone
When you cry, you rain tears on all who Love you
Don't get Discouraged over the other ignorant people we share this eart with,
Because that's all some of them are - Ignorant
It's their earth too, and everyone's problem is learning to Share

Turn your Frown upside down -
Easier said than done, Right?
I know it's Hard to ignore the Deep, Awful feelings that sometimes linger inside of Us
So don't
And let it all out
Someone's Always Listening,
Because you've surrounded yourself with people that Love you
Always remember the word "Soulmate"
Everybody has one, So if it's meant to be, then it will be
We will all one day find our soul mates,
If we haven't already
Guess what else I figured out
I figured out that everyone has the power to make or break anyone's Life,
Whether they know it or Not
You choose to use that power in the Greatest Way Possible

You have a wonderful soul, Chris
God can see it too
I know you know that
Concentrate on the Beautiful things in Life,
Not the Ugly,
No matter what you're feeling inside
No matter WHAT happens
Promise me you'll keep Strutting along through Life
And make other people smile,
Like you've made me smile
Think of other's you've made smile
When things are at it's worse, (Jermain, Erica)
That seems to be a great gift you have
And I know it makes you happy when others are

I know a lot of this stuff you already know, but anytime you felt anything other than happy, I just wanted to remind you of the things that have to matter in your world. Don't ever let anything bring you down. I could never bear to see that.

Liz Gothar - Your Friend Forever

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