The book I am reading is a classic, and very good, space opera. It has just introduced zombies. Yup. Zombies in space. It does not get better than this.
I am off to Italy for a week now so try not to set things on fire while I'm gone!
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Comments 6
Thank you very much! I am so excited to get somewhere lovely and warm I am vibrating with joy
I am going to eat all the pizza in the world!
Have fun in Italy!! I've never been but always wanted to.
The book is leviathan wakes and I can't for the life of me remember the author. Only 1/2 way through but am enjoying muchly!
Italy is wonderful, my parents have a house there so I get to pop over when I want to sit by the pool overlooking the sea and an olive grove and orchard. Perfection even if it rains all week.
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