Title: Bodies in Motion
Chapter: 5
Fandom: Firefly
Rating: PG-13 for a word.
Mal’s gun was inches from his hand but he couldn’t reach it. The shot from the laser left him feeling like a huge weight was upon him. He watched the man order his men to pick up River and carry her back over the cliffs. Her eyes, big and helpless, pleaded to him but it was useless. Mal had let Irina and River down. His eyes closed and sleep overtook him.
She could hear the words riding on the sound waves to her ears. They were speaking about the great knowledge she possessed and how it could be attained.
Would they enter her mind again? Cut her open like a grapefruit, scooping out what they needed and then replacing it with something else?
“Newton, a body in motion tends to stay in motion.” She hadn’t realized she had spoken, she hadn’t tried to but it was her voice she could hear.
“Yes, River, thy is listening,” the man who kidnaped her kneeled down to the chair she was strapped into her.
The straps bore into her flesh and she could recall many days spent like that at the Academy.
“Johannas Kepler went to a wedding...” She began laughing, “wine in caskets- gravitational science. Marcus Redmond created terra-forming. He grew up on Earth That Was in the Federation of Colorado.”
“Yes, River, my girl. Tell me more about Marcus. You know something about him.”
“Marcus Redmond was son to Horace Redmond and Patricia Clarke Redmond.”
“Skip the biographical information. You saw the plans, my dear, to something Marcus was working on before he died. Think about it. Thy was there with you but the doctor closed the screen off before I could see. But your mind, your mind saw all.” The kidnaper’s eyes nearly had a gleem to them.
“Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion.”
“No, that was Newton.”
“Bodies in motion...”
“River concentrate! Get her another 120 shot!”
One of the men came with a needle. He held it close to River’s temple.
River shook her head. “Bodies in motion...”
“Administer the shot,” the man spoke.
She could feel the needle tip entering her flesh. Her scream stuck in the middle of her throat. A warmness overtook her and once again she couldn’t control what was coming out of her mouth.
“Mal loves Inara. Zoe misses Wash. The preacher was more than a preacher.”
“Thy doesn’t care to hear about the crew of your ship, River. Marcus Redmond, I want to know about Marcus Redmond.”
“You don’t comprehend. Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion.”
The man’s hand slapped her across the face. “Thy hates hitting but thy will do what needs to be done. Understand, River?”
River shook her head. “Pull out my heart then. I told you the answer already.” Her eyes could hardly focus on the man. “You have killed. You killed your own son. You will do so again.”
Rage seethed at the man. “I did not kill my son!”
“You stopped loving him and then he stopped living. Pull out my heart, I will not die. Simon loves me.”
He slapped her again. He showed her a small blade that he had in his front pocket. “I could use this on you, little girl, and take away the features that make you pretty.”
“You want to know what Marcus Redmond’s final project was...”
“Yes, now stop the games and tell me.” He put the knife back into his pocket.
“I already did. For a scientist you can not see what is in front of you, Dr. Bennet.”
The doctor sat back slightly.
“You forgot I can read your mind,” River laughed. “I know you want to take over control of the Alliance by using Redmond’s final work. You already bought most of the stock in the Blue Sky corporation and Ye Zhuan factories. If you own the most and have some power than you can be in control. Science is power to you. But Doctor you forget science is only powerful when it is used for the good for everyone.”
Bennet’s chest heaved up and down. “Shian Biano! Kill her.”
“But sir, you said...”
“She has nothing to offer me but crazy riddles from a diluted mind. Kill her and leave her body back on the planet Laos where her brother may find her.”
“You’re evil,” River said, with a swallow.
“No, I think it’s rather kind of me that I’m allowing you to be buried and not just hurdled into space.” He drew close to her face, his body nearly touching hers. He slapped her one final time and walked away.
What he didn’t realize was that by getting so close to River he had given her an opportunity. She had managed during their discussion to wiggle one hand loose from the straps. She had perfected that back at the Academy. And she had been able to pick pocket from him the small knife he had threaten with her. Small, yes but able to still inflict damage.
She began slowly sawing at one of the straps as the doctor was ordered by his men to look at the radar screen.
“Something is following us, sir!”
“It can’t be the Firefly- it was too damaged.”
“It’s not, it’s one of the small capsules that the ship has.”
“It’s impossible!” Dr. Bennet shook his head.
“We’re getting a wave from it, sir.”
One strap came undone.
“Hello asshole, Captain Reynolds here and I’m a wee bit pissed right now. The time for civility is over so I give you a choice- would you rather die a painful death or a painful but quick death?”
Another strap came undone.
To be continued...