Hiya. This is Colin (aka "guy in hat") and I've now joined LJ, since you asked me to. Just thought I'd drop a line so you wouldn't have this unknown person friending you.
Re: Who am I?chucktheyakAugust 5 2006, 15:48:37 UTC
Just got your DOB off your profile. Mine's 9/10/1980. Soooo oooold! Anyway, the thoughts I've read from you echo mine...albeit you're a few years ahead. When I turned 18 I started stripping and I recommend the stage to any girl who can handle herself in bed. If you need _free_ advice in the business, a base of operations in Albuquerque, a level head when/if you decide to use your sexuality to get everything you want (Why just settle for orgasms and friends?), get ahold of me. c h u c k t h e y a k @ g m a i l . c o m
Re: Who am I?chucktheyakAugust 5 2006, 15:52:08 UTC
Wow. Reading what I wrote, I'm surprised at how blunt I am. But I take you at your word --you're a pragmatist and you're past games-- and I'm not about to waste your time unless I've got something to offer so I laid it out.
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