Adagio Custom Tea Blends Decant Circle

Apr 24, 2008 18:19

Status update: The boxes have landed! The teas are safely at my house. Now I just have to make it through finals so I can go home and decant them! Wish me luck everyone, I'm gonna need it.

Okay guys, it's really happening! Please bear with me, because I've never organized something so big before, and am also approaching finals time in school (hence the need to order soon and have a break before I actually decant them).

Here are the teas:

I tried to include a good variety of different teas, based on the list that you all provided :) I also snuck a few of my own blends in there, because I can :P They'll probably get eliminated though, but I figured I'd give everyone the option. Please do not sign up for any of the full blends. If a blend has a waiting list though, feel free to sign up, and maybe I'll get another cannister of it.

1 Rooibos Torte (caramel rooibos, almond rooibos, vanilla rooibos) FULL
1. nycorson
2. nycorson
3. joannect
4. peppermenthe
Waiting list: solcita

5 3 8 Wedding Blend (vanilla, almond, cinnamon) FULL
1. chibirisu
2. white_aster
3. peppermenthe
4. dea_zinn

A Bahama Breeze (mango, peach, rum) FULL
1. nycorson
2. nycorson
3. peppermenthe
4. solcita
Waiting list: birdsofparadise

Accidental Awesome (vanilla, chocolate, peppermint) FULL
1. chibirisu
2. peppermenthe
3. birdsofparadise
4. adolwyn

Blackberry Ice Cream (blackberry, vanilla, cream) FULL
1. Me
2. peppermenthe
3. solcita
4. birdsofparadise

Black Sun Rising (cream, almond, chamomile) FULL
1. Me
2. miss_isis_uk
3. white_aster
4. espressosnail

Coconut Crash Chai FULL
1. miss_isis_uk
2. white_aster
3. nycorson
4. nycorson
Waiting list for a second canister: joannect

Coconut Cream Pie
1. emma2403
2. joannect

Chocolate Dipped Orange FULL
1. dea_zinn
2. peppermenthe
3. adolwyn
4. espressosnail

Exotic Rooibos Punch (peach rooibos, mango rooibos, orange rooibos)FULL
1. nycorson
2. nycorson
3. peppermenthe
4. adolwyn

Firefly (gunpowder, mandarin orange, something else) FULL
1. white_aster
2. nycorson
3. nycorson
4. peppermenthe
Waiting list: solcita

Hawaiian Earl (Earl Grey, pineapple, apricot)
1. emma2403

Hints of Haiku (green pekoe, white peach, strawberry)
1. Me
2. birdsofparadise

Masala Ginseng Chai FULL
1. chibirisu
2. nycorson
3. nycorson
4. espressosnail

Mediterranean Maghreb (blood orange, pomegranate, citron green/lemon) FULL
1. Me
2. cme2694
3. miss_isis_uk
4. emma2403

Second canister
5. chibirisu
6. dea_zinn
7. dea_zinn
8. white_aster

Third canister
9. nycorson
10. nycorson
11. peppermenthe
12. solcita

Mint Candy Cream
1. emma2403

Mojito (mint, lime, rum) FULL
1. emma2403
2. nycorson
3. nycorson
4. peppermenthe

Parisian (jasmine rooibos, vanilla, fruit?)
1. miss_isis_uk

Pirate's Spice (vanilla oolong, pumpkin spice and rum) FULL
1. miss_isis_uk
2. white_aster
3. nycorson
4. nycorson

Second canister:
5. joannect
6. peppermenthe
7. birdsofparadise
8. espressosnail

Pumpkin Queen (pumpkin spice, cranberry, caramel) FULL
1. chibirisu
2. nycorson
3. nycorson
4. joannect
Waiting list for a second cannister: peppermenthe

Sharp Smoke (citron green/lemon, lime, vanilla)
1. chibirisu
2. nycorson
3. nycorson

Spicy Ginger Chai (Ginger, chai) FULL
1. cme2694
2. dea_zinn
3. dea_zinn
4. _boxinghelena

Stomach Wellness Tea (ginger, chamomile, rooibos, peppermint, lemongrass) FULL
1. dea_zinn
2. nycorson
3. nycorson
4. solcita

Thai Chi (strawberries, vanilla, chai) FULL
1. white_aster
2. joannect
3. peppermenthe
4. birdsofparadise

Toasty Tea (rum, caramel, cream) FULL
1. cme2694
2. chibirisu
3. dea_zinn
4. birdsofparadise

Revised orders, some totals
cme2694: Mediterranean Maghreb, Spicy Ginger Chai, Toasty Tea $8.25 + $5.10 + $0.40 = $13.75 PAID

miss_isis_uk: Black Sun Rising, Coconut Crash Chai, Mediterranean Maghreb, Pirate's Spice $11 + UK (Rate Group 3) $5.60 + $1.10 + $0.70 = $18.40 PAID

emma2403: Mojito, Mediterranean Maghreb, Coconut Cream Pie $8.25 Belgium (Rate group 3) + $4.80 + $1 + $0.55 = $14.70 PAID

chibirisu: 5 3 8 Wedding Blend, Accidental Awesome, Mediterranean Maghreb, Masala Ginseng chai, Pumpkin Queen, Sharp smoke, Toasty $19.25 + $5.10 + $0.75 = $25.10 PAID

dea_zinn: Stomach Wellness, Toasty Tea, Spicy Ginger Chai x 2, Mediterranean Maghreb X 2, Chocolate dipped Orange, 538 Wedding Blend $22 + $5.10 + $.80 = $27.90 PAID

white_aster:538 Wedding blend, Black Sun Rising Tea, Coconut Crash Chai, Firefly, Mediterranean Maghreb, Pirate's Spice, Thai Chi $19.25 + $5.10 + $0.75 = $25.10 PAID

nycorson: 1 Rooibos Torte x2, A Bahama Breeze x2, Coconut Crash Chai x2, Exotic Rooibos Punch x2, Firefly x2, Masala Ginseng Chai x2, Mediterranean Maghreb x2, Mojito x2, Pirate's Spice x2, Pumpkin Queen x2, Stomach Wellness Tea x2, Sharp Smoke x2 $66 zip 30127 Zone 1 (Ship from zone 5) Highest $8.35 + $2.25 = $76.60 (will refund shipping overcharge) PAID

joannect:1 Rooibos Torte, Coconut Cream Pie, Pirate's Spice, Pumpkin Queen, Thai Chi $13.75 + $5.10 + $0.55 = $19.40 PAID

Peppermenthe: 1 Rooibos Torte, 5 3 8 Wedding Blend, A Bahama Breeze, Accidental Awesome, Blackberry Ice Cream, Chocolate Dipped Orange, Exotic Rooibos Punch, Firefly, Mediterranean Maghreb, Mojito, Pirate's Spice, Thai Chi $33 + Canada (Rate group 1) + $5.76 + $1.10 + $1.60 = $41.45 PAID

Solcita: A Bahama Breeze, Blackberry Ice Cream, Mediterranean Maghreb, Stomach Wellness Tea $11 + $5.10 + $0.50 = $16.60 PAID

birdsofparadise: Accidental Awesome, Blackberry Ice Cream, Pirate's Spice, Thai Chi, Toasty Tea $13.75 + $5.10 + $0.55 = $19.40 PAID

adolwyn: Accidental Awesome, Chocolate Dipped Orange, Exotic Rooibos Punch $8.25 + $4.00 + $0.50 = $12.75 PAID

espressosnail: Black Sun Rising, Chocolate Dipped Orange, Masala Ginseng Chai, Pirate's Spice $11 + $5.10 + $0.50 = $16.60 PAID

_boxinghelena: Spicy Ginger Chai and Perfect Pumpkin Pie canister $18.40 PAID

I know the list looks long, but I am going to eliminate blends that do not have all 4 spots filled (probably, unless they have 3 and I decide to put in for a slot). Additionally, if there are any really popular blends, I might consider adding another canister of a blend. Round 1 of sign-ups will close Saturday night, and Sunday I plan to axe any blends without anyone signed up, maybe give blends with only 2 people signed up a chance to fill, and start figuring out totals. I've closed some blends, please DO NOT sign up for any of the blends marked "FULL". Blends with open spots or a waiting list are still fair game though. I will be waiting another day or two to let the stragglers trickle in and then will be figuring out totals.

Each slot is for 1 oz of tea, and costs $2.75. I've decided to ship via priority mail:
Under 1 lb (15 teas) $5.00 +0.03% of the total
Over 15 but under 30 teas/between 1 and 2 lbs ranges between $5.00 - $8.50 +0.03% of the total (please give me your zip code and I'll find out.
Priority mail will allow everyone to track their packages, and should minimize the tea getting squished. Also, boxes are free which cuts down on packing costs and travel time.

Anyone confused? Here's what you do:

1. Comment on this post with the names of the blends you are signing up for. This is a committment to buy all of the blends you list should they all be available. You may want to bookmark this post.
2. Sometime after Saturday, I will comment back with the teas that are going to be bought and your final list. There may still be a few open slots for teas.
3. If you decide to go in for any more teas, let me know ASAP. Once the list of teas you are purchasing is finalized, I will give you your total and my paypal address. Please pay via paypal within 72 hours, and be sure to include your order, LJ name and email address in the paypal comments.
4. Once I have everyone's payments, I will order the teas.
5. Finals time, augh! But then I will pack up and move back home, where lots of delicious teas will be waiting to greet me. They get packaged up and sent out to their new homes.
6. It's tea time!

Unfortunately, due to a number of factors that would serve to make this circle 24748573 times more complicated, I am going to need to limit it to US only.However, do not despair, my international friends. If this circle goes well, I totally intend to hold another, international-friendly circle when I return from Japan in mid-June. So don't think I've forgotten about you! Okay, okay, I'll ship internationally. However, please note the comments I made in miss_isis_uk's thread. I will be as fair as I can, but I won't know the prices for sure until after May 12, and I will also need to cover packaging materials. As long as you're cool with that, I will ship outside of the US.

Any questions? Comment or email me at JoelleLeah [at] aol [dot] com.

decant circles, food 'n' drink, adagio teas, tea

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