Alright, it's time for my review. I finished it Saturday afternoon, and I've been waiting till we got home from the lake to post this. Obviously, MAJOR MAJOR spoilers lie ahead, for virtually every part of the book .
Alright, first off, I liked it. Not my favorite of the series (Prisoner of Azkaban still holds that position) but still good.
Some things, a good deal of them to do with pairings:
-Alright, I admit it, Kendal was right. Harry/Ginny. While I've always liked the pairing, I've never seen it as canon (not that I would've been opposed to it). But I must say, I was not satisfied by it, and part of that is due to my increasing dislike for Ginny. Because while she emerged as a funny and interesting character in Order of the Phoenix, she has now, to my great irritation, became Little Miss OMGWTFSOPERFECT. She's pretty, popular, good at Quidditch, and all the boys love her. And of COURSE, on top of all that, she perfectly understands Harry and his motivations. The Fault Detector's not picking anything up, Jo. That's not a good sign.
-Bill/Fleur I was satisfied with, especially with the bit at the end. Made me like Fleur some more, too.
-Tonks/Lupin was just plain weird. I mean, he's like twice her age! Can you say creepy? And it was a really crappy excuse for Tonks's weird behavior. "OMG, I was a great character in book five but now I'm all depressed and moody 'cause the guy I'm in love with who's way older than me won't marry me because he's a werewolf! WAAAA!" She better be back to her old self in book seven.
-Once again, Ron and Hermione succeed in doing nothing about their relationship other than being annoying and making each other jealous. Wonderful.
-I was extremely irked by the fact that once again, Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup without Harry. WTF? And there's the possibility that he won't have the chance again, what with his bit about not returning to Hogwarts. Mind you, I'm not entirely convinced that he won't return, but still.
-I'm not TOTALLY convinced about where Snape's loyalties lie. Even with the second chapter, I wanted to believe the whole time that Snape was still working for Dumbledore. But with Dumbledore's death at Snape's hands, I was deeply shaken in this belief. Still, it remains to be seen who he truly works for.
-I liked the Horcrux thing. Very cool plot point, there. Still, I can't help but wonder how she's going to fit all four of the remaining ones into the last book. That'll be one longass book.
-Learning more about Voldemort's past and family was very interesting.
-The Half-Blood Prince subplot was nice. And I'll admit, she had me fooled. I had a lot of guesses, but Snape wasn't one of them until very close to the reveal.
Note that, while most of the stuff up there is complaints and criticism, I really did like it. I'm just better at putting my complaints into words than my compliments.
Dad has gone crazy and bought another guitar, an acoustic this time. Which means I have the electric all to myself. Which is good, 'cause I have another lesson Thursday and like eight chords to memorize by then.
I finished The Good Earth, but haven't started the cards yet. Guess I'll do that this week.
On a Harry Potter-related note, I watched the Goblet of Fire movie trailer the other day. It looks awesome.