Aug 08, 2005 00:50

Holy shit, Carter's doing one of those crazy-ass quizzes! The Apocalypse is coming!

01. Last Cigarette: Never, and I don't ever plan to.
02. Last Kiss: Honestly? Never.
03. Last Cry: I can't remember.
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: I haven't checked out a library book since like, the sixth grade.
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: The Island
06. Last Book Read: Hiroshima
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: Not sure. I think it was fuck.
08. Last Beverage Drank: Milk, with NesQuik and Iced Java added
09. Last Food Consumed: A sandwich
11. Last TV Show Watched: Well, my TV's been on continously for several hours, but the last show I actually payed attention to was Seinfeld.
12. Last Time Showered: Yesterday
13. Last Shoes Worn: Birkies
14. Last CD Played: I don't really listen to CDs much since I got my iPod. The last song I listened to was Linkin Park's "Numb".
15. Last Soda Drank: Pibb Xtra
16. Last Thing Written: Written or typed? Typed: Besides this, a post on the Ctrl+Alt+Del forums. Written: I'm not really sure.
17. Last Words Spoken: What's the last movie I saw in a theater? (Talking to my sister.)
18. Last Sleep: I woke up at about noon today.
19: Last Burp: Earlier tonight.
20: Last time Bowling: Like two weeks ago.
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: Blue Bell Birthday Cake
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: Um, never.
23: Last DvD watched: Uh, I think my FMA DVDs.
24. Last Time Dancing: Eighth Grade Dance
25: Last relative u saw: My sister
26: Last time u ate a pickle: Dunno, it's been a while.
27. Last Crush: Uh, comment withheld?
28. Last Annoyance: Stubby, for taking a shit in the dining room.
29: Last time u ran: Band Camp on Friday.
30: Last time u were outisde: Saturday
31: Last magazine read: Don't know.
32: Last time u put on makeup: Today! I put on makeup all the time!
33: Last time u watched the news: Dunno.
34. Last instrument played: The Sousaphone!
35. Last time u cleaned your room: A month or two ago.
36: Last thing u touched: My mouse and keyboard
37. Last Disappointment: Dad saying he wouldn't put the credit card on my iTunes account.
38. Last Time Scolded: Don't remember
39. Last Web Site Visited: Before LJ? Probably MMM. (Don't ask what that is.)
40. movie you rented: I haven't rented a movie in ages.
41. Last cd you bought: See above, but replace "rented" with "bought" and "movie" with "CD".
42. Lastperson you've called: My mom.
43. Last person that's called you: Dunno. People don't call me that much.
44. Last friend you made: JP Bello and Andrew Bowick, the sophomore tuba players.

01. piercings = None.
02. tattoos = None.
03. height = 5'6 1/2
04. shoe size = 11
05. hair color = black/really dark brown
06. eye color = dark brown
07. siblings = 1

01. you have a crush on someone: Yes, actually
02. you wish you could live somewhere else: No.
03. think about suicide: No.
04. you believe in online dating: It works for some people, but I don't think I'd ever try it.
05. you want more piercings: No.
07. you drink: Once I'm 21.
08. you do drugs: No.
09. you smoke: No.
10. you like cleaning: I actually enjoy organizing stuff; I just don't do it a lot.
11. you like roller coasters: Didn't used to, but now I do.
12. you write in cursive or print: Print.

+ long distance relationships = If the couple can make it work, sure.
+ using someone = Against
+ suicide = If you're all alone in the world and there's absolutely no one that cares for you (which is extremely unlikely), then go ahead if you want. Otherwise, no.
+ killing people = Only under certain circumstances.
+ teenage smoking = I'm against smoking period.
+ doing drugs = See above; replace "smoking" with "doing drugs".
+ driving drunk = Against.
+ soap operas = I like to make fun of them.

+ thing to do: Surfing the net, hanging out with friends, playing video games.
+ thing to talk about: I like talking with people who like the same stuff I do.
+ drinks: Pibb Xtra, Vault, Chocolate Milk
+ clothes: Hoodies, jeans, cargo pants.
+ movies: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, LotR: RotK, Spider-Man 2.
+ holiday: Christmas

+ ever cried over a girl or guy: Don't think so.
+ ever lied to someone: Yes.
+ ever been in a fist fight = Not that I recall.
+ ever been arrested = Nope.

+ shampoo do you use = Had to look in my shower for this one. Neutrogena Clean Balance.
+ shoes do you wear = Birkenstocks, Nikes
+ are you scared of = Steep slopes (Not heights, steep slopes).

# of times you have been in love: Honestly, I can't say. I don't really know what love feels like, so I dunno.
# of times you have had your heart broken: Never.
# of hearts you have broken: None that I know of.
# of drugs taken illegally: Though it may surprise you, none.
# of people you consider your enemies: I don't really have enemies, but there are people I don't like and people I consider to be rivals.
# of scars on your body: Somewhere around ten.
# of things in your past that you regret? Random small stuff, nothing major.

Band camp has been sorta fun, but it mostly sucks 'cause the sousaphone makes my shoulder hurt like eight bitches on a bitchboat. The songs are pretty cool though; the tubas get a kind of solo thingy with the percussion in "Canned Heat" that's really cool.

I walk downstairs today and there are two flash drives on the counter. It turns out Mom and her supply sale cronies ordered them as a sample from a company to see if they were any good, but they came so late that they had to use another brand. They were pretty cool though, so I took one in place of the one I got at the supply sale. He has been officially dubbed Wally. Major brownie points to you if you get the reference.

Kendal and I spent part of the night discussing Spider-Man 3. Topher Grace and Thomas Haydn (Hayden?) Church have been cast, but their roles have not been released. We've decided that Topher is probably going to be Ben Reilly 'cause he looks so much like Tobey Maguire. Again, major brownie points if your comic book geekery is great enough to know who Ben Reilly is. We're not sure about THC, though.

In other news, while I finished Hiroshima, I AM STILL PROCRASTINATING! *trumpet fanfare* That's right, I have not started my notecards yet.

Also, I officially despise my sister for getting me hooked on M*A*S*H, like her.

EDIT: I remembered this amusing little thing, which proves that women are evil:

Women equal time and money. Time is money, so women equal money squared. Money is the root of all evil, so money squared equals evil. Therefore, women = evil.
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