(no subject)

May 20, 2005 21:13

How can somebody hate someone doing that, when they are like that? or do that themseleves? its just weird. yet all of us do it.

1. What Time is it now? 21:19

2. What is your name: Gemma Alderton

3. Single or taken? Taken away

4. What does your name mean? I forget...

5. Who picked out your name? My rents probably

6. What's your nickname? Gem or Shtumpy

7. How old are you? 16

8. What colour are your eyes? Blue.

9. What size are your shoes? 6...maybe 7 if you're lucky

10. How tall (or short) are you? short - 5'3 or 4

11. What do you like about yourself? My sick mind.

12. Do you think you're cute? I have my good and bad days

13. Hair colour? Gingery like

14. How many people sent you this? No one, i nicked it!

15. Do you wear contacts? No. how can you wear your mates?

16 Favourite Drink? Fanta or chocolate milkshake from BK

17. Favourite alcoholic drink? anything apart from baileys

18. Favourite Month? depends on the year

19. Favourite Food? Chocolate, or chicken wrapped in cheese and bacon...glorious.

20. Favourite thing you are not very good at? Playing the guitar.

21. Favourite Clothing Brand? Whatever feels comfy. dont have a specific favourite brand

22. Favourite day of the Year? Christmas day usually, tis the 1 that sticks out most

23. Favourite colour? red or purple.

24. Favourite Animal? HaMsTeRs


25. Who's your best friends? Kate, Billy, Charlie. Perhaps Ann- marie...nah thats jus weird.

26. Are your parents together? Nein.

27. Do you tell your parents or your friends more? Tell them what?

28. Anything special about your parents? Their occupations are actually storm troopers.

29. Siblings and their ages? Bruder - 18, Schwester - 8

30. You're slutty? heh heh heh, nope.

31. You Mean? Nah. id say im more of a mode...or perhaps just an average.

32. You like someone? I like a lot of people

33. You can keep secrets? Most of the time.

34. You liked Britney Spears? For like 3 minutes.

35. You've liked a cousin? Yeah, but not in the way you are thinking you sick twisted perverted freak. you make me sick.

36. You've been in the opposite sexes bathroom? Yeh, got in shit for it too. thoose were the good old days of Field End...

37. You've seriously hurt someone? Person i hurt the most must have been Blent. He really deserved that.

38. You've been hurt seriously hurt? Physically, a few times.

39. You swear? Fucking loads.

40. You get your own way? Hardly. lol.

41. You're willing to try new things? Yeah

42. You've cheated on a test? Who hasn't?

43. What are you wearing? black hard rock top, jeans, bra, knickers...you know the drill.

44. What colour is your underwear: black most of the time

45. Where did 47 go? out of this survey cause it was too crap for him.

46. How are you feeling? Quite cool.

48. What are you eating? Pizza

49. How many people are online? On msn - 10

50. How's the weather? Windy probably.

51. What books are you reading? One - but its not really that interesting, havent touched it in a few weeks

~*GIrLs QuEsTiOnS*~

52. How many lip glosses do you have? One or two

53. What perfume do you use? Whatevers on my shelf

55. Thong or regular panties? Regular

56. Personality or looks? Personality.

57. Blonde or brunette? Brunette.

58. Boxers showing? Yeah, just a little. not the rudey style though that takes the trousers down past the arse. nein.

59. Long hair or short hair on boys? Depends on the person and face.

60. What do you find annoying in a guy? They always seem like they have to impress their mates

61. First thing you notice in a guy? dunno...looks i guess cause thats the 1st thing you see, then personality

~*GuYs QuEsTiOnS*~ (im gunna answer these anyway, because i can)

62. What kind of deodorant do you use? whatevers on mi shelf

63. What's in your pockets? Nothing

64. Boxers or briefs? On guys, boxers.

65. Blonde or brunette girls? Brunettes.

66. Tall or short girls? little taller than me

67. Piercings on girls? ears, eyebrows, bellybuttons, tongue are ok for girls.

68. Long or short hair on girls? Long.

69. Good or bad girl? Bit of both

70. What do you find annoying in girls? The fact that they do half chat some shite sometimes.

71. What's the first thing you notice about girls? Looks i guess, then the size of their boobs (christ i sound like a guy)

~*OtHeR qUeStIoNs*~

72. What was the last movie you saw? Star Wars III: Revenge of the sith. you nose it.

74. What are you hoping for? My sister to be asleep by now.

75. What movie do you really want to see? Star Wars III: Revenge Of the Sith, again.

76. Where is your favourite place to travel to? From my bed to the lappy. or to the fridge.

77. What did you last dream about? That i remember...me and Devan on the train.

78. What was the last thing you ate? Pizza

79. If you were a crayon which colour would u be? Red.

80. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Jon

81. Do you like the person(s) that sent this to you? I nicked it! but yeah, the bash is cool.

83. Ever had a crush on a teacher? NO.

85. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies.

86. Summer or winter? Inbetween.

87. Relationships or one night stands? Relationships.

88. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate.

89. Do you want your friends to write back? not fussed. im doing this just to pass time

90. Who is most likely to respond? Who knows. nobody probably

91. Who is least likely to respond? Dunno

92. What did you do last night? just fucking about on the lappy i think...

93. Who do you know who you fancy (Don't avoid this one!!!)? Lewis i guess

94. Describe the person who sent this to you in 15 words or less - for the last time, i nicked it! - hes the bash, hes cool, and i dont see him much.
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