Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. Afterwards, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
The letter "t" as nominated by
gothadh ..... and for the sake of making it harder, I'm refusing to use things beginning with "The" *grins*
tranibri (blech! and predictable)..... my own beautiful and delightful "sweet transvestite", well he had to be number one here really.
2. Top hats (I have 3 now!!! Two mini ones and a full size one. One *beautiful* mini black one with a bright orange rose, and a large leopard-trim one that
tranibri pinches all the time, both made by
rowannemoonwolf and an equally stunning red and black stripey one made by the lovely
needler. Top hats ROCK!!!! and the ones made by my lovely creative friends rock the MOSTEST!!!!)
3. Toffee and toffee-flavoured things. Yumsie. TOFFEE ICE CREAM - oh YES PLEASE!!!!
4. TOYS!!!! And I don't mean just the "adult" variety either, lol. My curious fondness for lego in particular is well documented :-) oh and boardgames - do they count as toys? I dunno! And I never grew out of dolls either, really, but then again, what Goth girl did 100%?
5. Terrorvision. The best thing to come out of Bradford EVER *nods*. Definitely the best band I've ever seen live for out-and-out FUN of a night out. You'll dance, you'll grin, what a shame they Are No More *nods*.
6. Tangerines. Yummy. One of the few fruits I consume with more enthusiasm than I would chocolate or crips. One of my FAVOURITE Christmassy snacks, thank god, they're about the only festive nibble I enjoy that's actually *healthy* so I try to keep topped up on 'em.
7. Toy Story (and Toy Story 2).... because I *had* to include a film or two here to reflect my movie-obsessive nature *grins*. Joss Whedon's script for the first movie makes this one of the sharpest, funniest kids movies ever, even though it's blinkin' Disney.
8. Thai green curry. Chicken or prawn Ymmmmn yummy. It is the tastiest thing ever and I make not a bad one, if I say so meself.
9. Tribal Bellydance - - I've been dancing Tribal for a good couple of years now, and occasionally perform with a troupe called Clan Caravan.
10. Tunafish sandwiches *nods*. A nice fresh tuna mayo sandwich, sometimes with a bit of cheddar 'n spring onion too if I'm in the mood, on nice soft chewy malted brown bread, is quite possibly my favourite comfort food *ever*. Greggs tuna sandwiches are particularly *awesome* (drool). If I was offered one last meal, it would be something of a tossup between a really damned good Thai green curry and a plain old tuna-on-brown sandwich actually (strange co-incidence that my two "top foods" both happen to begin with a T, but there ya go!! ).
Good wee game, that *nods*.