the night was great, but lonely

Feb 07, 2004 00:02

just got back from the show. boys night out, moneen, the beautiful mistake and senses fail. wow incredible. i snuck in. i had lots of money but tickets were sold out. we tried getting some kids to give us their spare tickets but didnt happen. then doors open and i walked in. it was lesly, carlos and i. we had fun. but there was only one thing ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

karenthephotogr February 7 2004, 08:27:59 UTC
omg CONNIE!! it's karen!! i was just clicking around on lj and saw your name! and clicked again! hahaha. i'm so glad you got in girlie. hit me up on aim alright? it's: uglystinkypoopoo



hateinstalled February 7 2004, 23:35:20 UTC
hey, im julian. i met you at the mall with sal and mitchell. i found your journal from sals journal. weird eh. just wanted to say whats going on. im listening to saosin and about to fall asleep. so yeah.


Re: evil_poopie February 8 2004, 16:02:32 UTC
YES YES i remember you. mind if i add you to my friends list? well soasin is super kewl yo! we might be hanging out this coming weekend if sal hasnt told you! cant wait!


Re: hateinstalled February 8 2004, 22:35:19 UTC
yes, you may add me. i might just have to add you back...


lucid_thoughts February 8 2004, 01:21:00 UTC
i <3 you more then anything connie!! :) cheer up!


Re: evil_poopie February 8 2004, 16:02:51 UTC
guess waht... me too!!!!!!


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