I did a meme

Apr 17, 2009 19:09

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

I got myself tagged by fera_festiva

I don't know where this particular image came from originally but I like it as a sort of distillation of the internet's ability to absorb meaning and, through distribution processing, come up with things that shouldn't make sense but that are instantly understandable.

This is in my aunt's house in Germany. There is a guy that lives next door to her (or used to, I'm not sure he's still there) who makes boats and things entirely out of the bones of the chickens that he eats. I'm really gutted that I didn't buy one off him when I met him - he had an awesome looking workshop. Man, I love rural Germany.

Willow is seriously one of my favourite movies. I know how shit it is in so many ways, but it still makes me cry every time I watch it. I entered Bavmorda into the gore_sports Bash Wars tournament a few years ago but she was pretty roundly trounced. This image comes from a sweet, utterly unplayable, Willow board game from the 80's.

From the very first episode, Toshiko has always been the best thing in Torchwood. Susie died from cool, Harkness rhymes with darkness - which is naff, Owen was a rapist who had to wait until the second series for any personality beyond his dick, Ianto - while cool - is all over the place and Gwen is the kind of cop who cries at crime. As well as that, the writers of Torchwood are obviously working with the same set of cultural stereotyopes that I had at the age of 17, as Toshiko is very similar to a Mage: the Ascension technomancer I played in a one-shot about a shadowy team of quasi-governmental agents trying to protect a British city from the unknown threats of a universe too strange for the fragile minds of its citizenry to handle using technology they barely understand themselves.

Regardless, whatever you do, Toshiko can do it better. Science fact.

Based on fera_festiva's aborted but still worth reading fanfic Harry Potter and the Ocarina of Time, in which me and her Harry develops an obsession with gangsta rap and tattooing all of his dead friends onto his body and being all like 50 cent and stuff.

Paxman may well be the only force in the universe that is greater than Toshiko. Be afraid. Especially if you are a student.
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