Title: Watching, Waiting, Wishing
Fandom: RPS
Story: Highway: Co-Location 10.6
Characters: Alan Davies and Robert Sean Leonard
michelleann68 +
evila_elf =
coclaim100 16 Books
Word Count: 2142
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Alan enjoys a the chance to watch Robert from the loft.
Authors’ Notes: Feel free to friend us if you want to read a day ahead of the communities.
Where it all began:
Big table of prompts is here:
Order of the story is here:
Previous story:
A Walk Through the Woods Alan started to wake up and stretched out his body. He grimaced when his ankle tried to extend. It was better, but still tight. He reached out his hand and felt the slightly warm but empty sheets next to him and frowned. He stretched again and listened carefully for any sound disturbing the peace. He heard the shuffling of feet and the cutting board set into the sink from the first floor. Alan sat up and scratched his head, fluffing up his flattened curls and sending them dancing out in a hundred directions. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, he gingerly stood up, yawning as he carefully walked to the top of the stairs. He was about to call out to Robert, but stopped when he caught sight of him and just watched.
Robert obviously was not aware of the peeping Alan up in the loft. He walked out of the kitchen with a small bowl in one hand and a saucer with a muffin in the other. He shuffled his socked feet as he left the kitchen and walked over towards the couch. He was wearing one of Alan's QI T-shirts and a pair of plaid flannel pants. He looked good enough to curl up with
Alan was enjoying the voyeurism too much to interrupt. Yet. Robert bent over, setting the dishes down on the coffee table and Alan licked his lips. Alan watched him walk over to the bookshelves and reach out a finger to touch the spines. Alan imagined that it was with the same look he quite often got from Robert, as though absorbing all the information and taking it all it, centimeter by centimeter. Alan was jealous that the books got that much attention, but he continued to watch. A title selected, Robert used one finger to curl around the top and pull it gently forward, his face was already buried in it before he even turned around. Alan leaned forward onto the railing and watched the brown hair bury itself into the thin volume and wondered what book had managed to capture Robert’s attention so much.
After a few minutes, a hand reached out, seeking the dishes, groping for a piece of apple. Alan watched his hand make a grab for the apple and miss it, then try a second time before lifting his to see where they were. Deftly he took a slice and stuck it between his teeth and they came down sharply, taking a chuck off the neat slice. Alan watched Robert’s glance return to the page and he held the remaining apple in between his index finger and thumb. There was a simple joy to be had in watching Robert when he was unaware that he was being watched. The sun was rising quickly and was bathing the room and Robert in its warm light, highlighting the red in Robert's hair.
Sitting on the couch, Robert turned, leaned back, and rested his back on the pillows on the couch. Popping the remainder of the slice into his mouth he settled more comfortably, knees bent, and sunk further into the book as much the cushions.
Alan fantasized about walking down and sinking into Robert. It all looked so comfortable and inviting. He licked his lips and admired how Robert ran his finger down the page in a gentle caress, the pages touched him as he touched them.
Robert's fingers reached out again, this time just reaching the edge of the muffin. Learning his lesson, he looked up and took a proper pinch of muffin, popping it quickly in his mouth and grabbing a second slice of apple before returning to the book. As he bit into the apple, a couple drops of clear juice ran down his chin and coated his fingers.
Alan felt a pang in his stomach as he watched Robert wipe the juice from his chin with a thumb and snake out his tongue to catch up the juice on his fingers. Alan closed his eyes and wanted to be that slice of fruit. He thought about Robert's tongue snaking out to taste him and shuddered. He tried to compose himself before he embarrassed himself by groaning. He wanted to stay in the shadows and watch for a little while longer. When he opened his eyes again, he noticed that Robert has sunk down a little further, his feet stretched out in front of him, white socks sticking out from the dark plaid pants and pushing his glasses higher on his face. Content with his prose, Alan watched as Robert's body melted, slowing diving deeper into the narrative and getting lost in the wonder of the words.
It should not surprise Alan that Robert could get so involved into something like this, causing the whole world to vanish around him. Alan remembered a few times when Robert’s attention to him had been that way. He remembered feeling like something precious and special and how warm it all felt when the world was reduced to just the two of them.
Alan wanted to sneak up on Robert and surprise him, sinking into the couch with him and getting lost, just the two of them on this cold sunny morning. He turned to gingerly walk down the stairs, but his hand had stirred up some dust on the rail that had been missed. Alan felt the familiar tickling in his nose and tried to hold his breath. But he couldn’t hold back the persistent sneeze.
It was fun while it lasted. Alan watched Robert turn suddenly, surprise on his face at the sudden loud noise from the stairs. The warmth of the smile he was greeted with warmed him from head to toe. Alan smiled in return and made his way down the stairs, legs feeling numb and stiff from standing so long. He was disappointed when Robert sat up and put his feet on the floor.
“You're up! How did you sleep?"
"Morning, love. Slept all right. Missed waking up next to you."
"Woke early. Needed something to occupy myself with. I can get you some breakfast if you’d like?"
“I’ll just have a bit of yours. A little queasy from the pain meds.”
Robert reached out a hand. “How’s the ankle?”
“Bloody better. Should be fine by tomorrow.” Alan sat down and pulled Robert next to him. “What are you reading?”
Robert instinctually bent over and picked up Alan’s foot and grabbed a pillow off the floor, propping up Alan’s foot before leaning back. “Found a poetry book.” Robert slipped a piece of paper in the book and set it on the coffee table.
When Alan started to lean forward to get at the food, Robert slipped a piece of apple in Alan’s mouth and broke off some muffin as he chewed. Robert leaned back, joining Alan and offered up the bit of muffin.
Alan took the muffin and asked, “Who?” as he nodded at the book before popping the muffin in his mouth, closing his eyes, and enjoying the spicy carrot taste.
“A.E. Houseman. Over the years I’ve gained an appreciation of his work.”
“You played him right? In…”
“Yes, The Invention of Love,” Robert completed the sentence.
Alan sat forward and let his food settle onto the ground. Picking up the book, he opened it and started to flip through it. Grabbing more of the apple, he crunched on it as his eyes scanned the pages.
Robert sat back and watched Alan try to focus on the pages, enjoying the way his curls seemed to sway back and forth as his eyes roamed over the words. He reached his hand out and rubbed Alan’s back, up and down, in a soothing motion.
Alan leaned back, Robert moving his hand to wrap around his back, and brought the book with him. He laid his head on Robert’s shoulder. “Read me a poem? Or recite one?” Alan closed his eyes and settled back.
Robert turned and gave Alan a long glance. He watched Alan look up and jut out his bottom lip. Not able to resist, Robert recited from memory.
“He would not stay for me, and who can wonder?
He would not stay for me to stand and gaze.
I shook his hand, and tore my heart in sunder,
And went with half my life about my ways.”
Alan opened his eyes and turned to look at Robert, “That’s not very long.”
“You sound disappointed. It was just a verse I had memorized a long time ago.”
“I just wanted to listen to you read to me, lay back, relax.”
Robert was going to make a comment about high-maintenance boyfriends, but decided against that since Alan would use the crippled-boyfriend-needs-more-attention card. He opened the book and started to lean back and get settled, Alan joining him, taking a bit more of the muffin and laying back on Robert’s chest.
Robert wrapped an arm around Alan’s back holding him close. “Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, we need to do some preparations later today.”
“Alright,” Alan mumbled into Robert’s chest. “Waiting…”
“Pushy,” Robert teased and he opened the book, flipping to a poem he at least partway could remember; it made it much easier to read out loud if he was familiar with the poem. “Are you going to fall asleep on me?”
Alan ran his hand up Robert’s torso and rested it on his shoulder, “Maybe, but no promises…”
Robert chuckled, deciding that was a yes, and he found something very appropriate and began to read.
“Once in the wind of morning
I ranged the thymy wold;
The world-wide air was azure
And all the brooks ran gold.
There through the dews beside me
Behold a youth that trod,
With feathered cap on forehead,
And poised a golden rod."
The words wrapped around Alan and he started to get lost in them, no longer holding meaning, just a cadence that carried him along. He stretched out his legs, aligning them with Robert’s prone body and grimaced as he felt a pang in his ankle. He hoped Robert didn’t notice. He didn’t want anything to distract his reciting.
“With mien to match the morning
And gay delightful guise
And friendly brows and laughter
He looked me in the eyes.
Oh whence, I asked, and whither?
He smiled and would not say,
And looked at me and beckoned
And laughed and led the way."
Alan thrummed his fingers on Robert’s shoulder and chest, then dipped his fingers under the t-shirt and caressed the warm skin, sighing and letting a slight moan escape his lips.
Robert stopped, and smoothed his hand across Alan’s back, smiling at how much he seemed to be enjoying this.
“And with kind looks and laughter
And nought to say beside
We two went on together,
I and my happy guide.
Across the glittering pastures
And empty upland still
And solitude of shepherds
High in the folded hill."
Alan’s eyes were closed and his breathing slowed down. He let the words take him someplace new and safe. He relaxed more into Robert’s chest and wondered if it was possible to just melt into another body. That was the last thought he had before he fell into a deep and contented sleep.
Robert paused and looked down at Alan. The slow easy breathing was a sure sign that the man was asleep. Alan looked relaxed, his mouth was just slightly opened and, on each exhale, one stray curl would bob up and then down. The warm sun provided a blanket, and Robert's arm kept Alan safely pressed against him.
With one last fond look down at the curly head, Robert returned his eyes to the book and continued to read aloud,
“By hanging woods and hamlets
That gaze through orchards down
On many a windmill turning
And far-discovered town,
With gay regards of promise
And sure unslackened stride
And smiles and nothing spoken
Led on my merry guide.
By blowing realms of woodland
With sunstruck vanes afield
And cloud-led shadows sailing
About the windy weald,
By valley-guarded granges
And silver waters wide,
Content at heart I followed
With my delightful guide.
And like the cloudy shadows
Across the country blown
We two fare on for ever,
But not we two alone.
With the great gale we journey
That breathes from gardens thinned,
Borne in the drift of blossoms
Whose petals throng the wind;
Buoyed on the heaven-heard whisper
Of dancing leaflets whirled
From all the woods that autumn
Bereaves in all the world.
And midst the fluttering legion
Of all the ever died
I follow, and before us
Goes the delightful guide,
With lips that brim with laughter
But never once respond,
And feet that fly on feathers,
And serpent-circled wand.”
Then Robert carefully set the book down on the couch, removed his glasses, and joined Alan in slumber.
10.07 Thanksgiving Surprise