Update time :D
I kinda miss having a reason to type something up every night :P
Let's see...yesterday Mom had I think 3 friends over and I had one to help pack. Man, everything looks different with nothing on the tables and no clutter by the windows. Still have almost 2 months until we need to be out. So far, the things that I have needed that were packed: My favorite bowl (kept my spaghetti nice and hot for however long it took me to eat it), my copy of Princess Mononoke-I hadn't had an urge to watch it for several months until now--, and one of my Jackie Chan DVD's that I was going to let this guy up in Russia borrow.
Last night's Providence episode: I *SOJ*ed when Jim bought that motorcycle. As long as this character can drive better than BJ! Tonight's episode was funny too. I wanted to hug him when Merideth forgot the dinner date!
Aaaaannnd, I typed up a 100 word drabble I wrote earlier. The ending is wierd. I wrote until I started to run out of words, then had to quickly end it.
Enjoy :)
Hawkeye sat on the floor, leaning against his cot. The Korean wind whistled outside, blowing around the tents. Like the dead come to haunt the equally dead grounds in the dead of night. Hawkeye--the only one not dead asleep; he alone awake to hear it’s sad melody.
It came louder now, calling him, calling to him. He could feel his pulse quicken in response to the sounds that became more and more human.
Hawkeye could stand it no longer. He grabbed his robe and left to join the wind, hoping someday his voice too would one day be heard.
And, as per usual, I know that there was something else I wanted to type, but forgot. I really do need to write these things down as I think them up. Would make for a much more coherent journal!