Another night with only 4 hours of sleep -.- This time it was due to Ki. She would not settle down last night! She clawed at the boxes in my room until I got up and whacked her on the head. Then she meowed...and meowed...and, when that failed to get a reaction, she clawed at the door. I was just getting up to beat her to death with a pillow when Dad opened the door to see what all the fuss was about. Ki went darting out of my room. A few minutes later, I could hear a few thumps and more meowing. Sometime after that I fell asleep. I swear, if she pulls that crap tomorrow night, I am dumping water on her until she is afraid to come out from under my bead. *Is deathly serious*
Now, I am baking Chocolate Chip cookies....Yuuuuummmm. First time making cookies in this oven, and they are turning out a little wierd. They are deflating when I remove them from the oven. I think that they taste the best that way, but now Mom refuses to share any with anybody because they look funny 0.o
And, finally:
The Last Goodbye
Part 4
A short time later, Erin squealed and ran into the kitchen. She climbed into her chair and tried to look innocent when Hawkeye strolled in after her.
“Hawk, what is in your hair?”
“Hey, you said you got them all out,” he said pointing a finger at the giggling girl.
“Here, let me help.” Peg went over to see if she could remove the small clip pinching a good portion of hair from the side of his head.
“Don’t help him, Peg. This is more entertaining,” BJ laughed.
Peg finally got the clip open and released his hair. Then she went about setting the table for dinner.
Hawkeye sat down, rubbing his head where it felt like several dozen hairs had been ripped free. “I’m not that hungry,” he said, wrinkling his nose, when his plate was fully loaded.
BJ was about to threaten him, but Peg beat him to it. She cleared her throat loudly, which got both men’s attentions.
“Mmmm...this is delicious!” Hawkeye took a big bite out of a speared potato.
BJ turned to Peg, amazed. “How do you do that? I have been trying to train him for the whole war!”
After the initial several large bites, Hawkeye slowed down and picked at his food. He wasn’t hungry, the lunch he had eaten earlier was more than he had ate for the past 2 days combined.
BJ stared at his silent friend and shared a concerned look with Peg. “Are you okay, Hawk?”
“Been a long day.” His voice sounded old, even to himself.
“Do you want to get Hawkeye settled into the guest room? I can clean up here.”
BJ showed Hawkeye the spare bedroom. “Did you bring anything with you? I didn’t see a bag.”
“I knew I forgot something.” Hawkeye had, in fact, packed a bag, but had lost it somewhere during his blurred travels.
BJ shook his head. “I have some things you can borrow. Be right back.” By the time he returned, only minutes later, he found Hawkeye sprawled across the bed, fast asleep. The sight made him smile as he dug a spare blanket from the closet.
He wondered how long until Peg found out, and prayed that he never have to tell her. Would she even understand? Or would she flip out the same way Hawk’s dad had. Without a backward glance, he turned and headed back to the kitchen to help his wife.
Starts to get slashy again next chapter :)
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