Sherlock Minisode and Hobbit

Dec 26, 2013 00:18

Firstly, the minisode was awesome! I didn't have high hopes, thinking it would just be something with a few of the minor cast, not actually being a bride between the two series. Very cool! John doesn't have his 'stache yet, so there is still time before the season starts.

Hobbit time!
Minor spoilers, but will put behind a cut.

I've seen it twice (so far). Second time was a little less enjoyable because there were a lot of people there who had seen it before and were doing the laughing like they wanted everyone to know they knew the scene was funny. So I am a little afraid to see it again in case the audience is similar.

Okay, the beginning feel reminded me so much of The Fellowship that I was expecting to see Peter Jackson and his carrot. Then I did! Just that little moment made me grin like an idiot and settle in to watching.

Another call out (I think?) that I enjoyed was Gandalf and his sword as he crossed the bridge. Wasn't that a famous painting? I seem to remember something from the behind the scenes footage from LOTR (which was a loooong time ago). Does anyone know what I am talking about??

I'm just going to list likes and dislikes now.

-Martin Freeman. Though that really goes without saying, right? I can't picture anyone else as Bilbo.
-Pacing. It really moved well for the most part.
-Characters. Most of the extra characters were awesome, most notably Beorn and Bard.
-Legolas and Tauriel. It was great seeing Legolas again. And he had more dimension than I thought he would. He didn't feel like an insert, but like he belonged there. Same with Tauriel.
-Smaug. I would have said Cumberbatch, but he did such a nice job at the voice that I never had a moment of OMG!! VOICE! I have no idea what he did for the motion capture. The movements of Smaug were so unlike anything that could be replicated.
-Kili! Okay, I am officially a fangirl now. Everyone gave an uuugh! of sympathy when he jumped into the barrel and snapped the arrow.
-Barrel scene. Yes it was long and a bit ridiculous, but it was a fun sort that didn't get to the level of juvenile that the first movie did with the Goblin King.

-Gandalf's side story. I really seemed to slow things down. And it felt like it had been expanded to be able to stretch this into two movies.
-Stephen Fry. I feel so bad for saying that, but he played a part so unlike himself while it still being obvious it was him.
-Kili and Tauriel. Well, the way it started with her comment on his height. It was so in your face, and I didn't like that. If just that one bit was removed, it would have been perfect, with her slowly getting to know and like him.
-Cliffhanger. COME ON! I swear I had just checked my watch 10 minutes previous and the movie still had 40 min left. Where did the time go! (okay, the cliffie was also awesome, speaking from the POV of a person who loves to write cliffies as well).
Why does everything I like take years between cliffhangers? *sigh*

Well, that is all I can think of right now. I am sure there is lots more to babble about, but I have to go to work tomorrow (was enjoying my 5 days off) and I need to go to bed soonish.

sherlock, hobbit, benedict cumberbatch

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