
Jan 02, 2014 01:03

:D :D :D

I enjoyed it very much.

2 years. Wow. I was worried I had my sights set too high and I would be very disappointed. And the beginning had me worried. But when the "Sleep" bit happened to John, I guessed something HAD to be up. I did not wait for 2 years for that explanation!


Haha! John has to explain every series how he isn't gay. And no one believes him.

Poor Sherlock (and yes, poor John as well). It shows he hasn't had much human interaction that hasn't involved deception. He was all rambling and a bit nervous acting around John.

I like Mary, though it feels a little bit forced. As if we are supposed to like her. *winces* I don't think I explained that well... I would prefer to like her for her being witty, not because she likes Sherlock. Wait, did we actually go an ep without Sherlock insulting her?

The second fake reveal was awesome! Another shout out at the oddities of fangirls, but it was so out of left field :D

The whole back and forth between Sherlock and John while at the office was brilliantly edited. "What did he say to you?"
SH: "Fff--"
John: "Cough"

Train bit...I would have thought the 5 minute delay would have been noticed immediately.

I do love that we FINALLY got the correct story on how he faked it (or DID we?), but it seemed shoved in there oddly.

The clock countdown should have been longer. Too short for everything that happened to have happened. And I really disliked John repeating the words he used at the gravesite. It's been two years. I have heard them said over a hundred times already, plus Sherlock had already heard them and it made everything overly sappy.

Oh, Sherlock, so mean to John. I loved Sherlock's frustration at not being able to diffuse the bomb, and I don't mind too much that mean trick he pulled, but I wish the words were different and they held more meaning to them. And the fact that they should have blown up by that time took away all suspense for me.

I've watched it twice already. Will probably see a few more times before Sunday. Going to be so sad when this is all over again. I would love for it to be an ep a month. Spread out the awesome!

sherlock, squee

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