it took soo long but it gave me something to do ^_____^

Oct 20, 2004 17:00

---» Attraction

Are you a flirtatious person? oh hell yeah
Physically, what immediately draws you to the opposite sex? whether or not i think they are cute
Personality-wise, what immediately draws you to the opposite sex? if they are smart and have their own opinions and like to share them
Is their social status important? not in the least bit unless they have a problem with it
Does it matter if they are involved in activities like sports or music? no i prefer them to be themselves
Have you ever gotten butterflies because you liked someone so much? heh yeah. but its more like a electricity effect like a wave of electricity flows through my body

---» First Date

For a first date, would you rather go out alone or out with friends? with friends i like for more personalities to be together
Go to a place where you can talk or go to a place where you can have fun? have fun cause you can always talk in the car or while eating
To you, is feeling a ‘connection’ important on the first date? yes and no you have to start somewhere but it might not be the first date
What is one place you wouldn’t want to go to for a first date? somewhere that would offend one of us
Have you ever been on a blind date? no
Do you kiss on the first date? i don't believe so

---» Love

Have you ever been in love? yes
How do you know if you’re in love? you just feel like you would so anything for that person and that no matter what "flaw" they have you can live with it. (its so hard to explain)
Have you told someone that you loved them when you really didn’t? yes but that was because i tried to convince myself i did
Is having love in your life important? yes but doesn't have to be from a "lover" it could be from friends and family
Do you think you are or will be good at expressing love? i hope so. if i am not good now that i will be
Do you think it’s true that we all have one soulmate in our life? yes but not that it is someone that is your lover but someone that just gets you and that you do love

---» Upsets

Have you ever liked/loved someone and never had that feeling returned? yes that was a real bad time in my life
Have you ever asked the opposite sex out and been turned down? uhmm kinda and that sooo sucked
Have you ever been set up as a joke? thank god no and i would be furious
Have you ever dated someone because you felt bad about turning them down? in a way but that wasn't the first reason
Have you ever had your heart broken? sadly yes and oh those are some tales

---»What would you do if...

You could travel anywhere for a week: i would obviously travel... where that depended on money and with who
You were kidnapped by two large black men: be very freaking scared and probablly try to escape anyway i could
You asked someone how far along they were and they weren't pregnant: feel very stupid and walk away
You went deaf: become part of the deaf community and try to help as much as i could
You had a stalker: depended on who and how freaky. call the cops restraigning order(sp)

---»Would you rather...

Be a rapist or a murderer: murder i think some people should die
Live 10 years less or have a stub for an arm: stub cause i don't know where i will be the last 10years
Be a liposuctionist or a mechanic: mechanic i like to fix things and get my hands dirty
Die of drowning or dehydration: drowning it is faster and less painful
Fall in love knowing you will be seperated or not fall in love at all: fall in love (OBVIOUSLY)
Be ugly or fat: hmmm i am fat so i guess fat cause i know i can change it
Be dead of emotion or sad all the time: sad all the time because at least i feel something
Be deaf or mute: deaf because well i would have to teach you what i learned in my class
Live on the moon or under the sea: on the moon. i am scared of whats under the sea
Be too hot all the time or too cold all the time: well cold..cause i am normally cold. good for snuggling

What's your favorite...and why?

Color?: heh green reminds me of the earth
Fruit Flavor?: strawberry...don't know i just LOVE strawberries
Cartoon Character?: many i like to just have a favorite
>Weather?: big rain drop rain. its fun to play in the rain

Are you...

Racist: if i was most my friends would kill me cause they are mixed/other races
Pretty/Handsome: sometimes i can look in the mirror for a min and be pretty
Political: not really cause it is depressing and always turns into heated debates
Opinionated: VERY as most people know
Loveable: so i am told
Friendly: i like to believe that
Sexy: i guess. i feel that i am silly to much to be that
Trendsetting: ...hahaha not that i know of
Intelligent: i can only hope that i am
In love: yes

Finish the sentence...

Get your hands off my: chocolate NOW!!!!!!!
I love it when you: hold me
Remember that time we: were younger and you did_________ and i laughed for hours
Why don't you just: get the fuck out of my life and leave me alone
I told you to stop: believing that i don't have a brain of my own
I really love your: eyes. i don't know if they are green blue or grey

______Your Life_______

[x] they call me: silly, flirty, a leader but MOSTLY sheepie
[x] sex: female i hope
[x] my first breath of air: 12/08/85...early morning
[x] status: alive...
[x] best friends: of course it would he this hard/long quicken it ALL THE "sheepies", pock and moony, zurvan and white, steph, ...i guess there might be others oh yeah DELTA


[x] most memorable memory: uhmm well this is kinda hard... i guess it would have to be... when keith was visiting and we had spent the day together swimming and watched the sun set then we sat on the grass at this most beautiful look out view of san diego and just talked and snuggled.
[x] worst?: oh whoa... i would guess i have to say when i almost lost one of my best friends because of a fight and i brought keith into it
[x] first best friend ever!?: heh steph


[x] love is: compicated and always growing
[x] first love: hmm thats hard i guess kelly but that wasn't true life changing love just sweet childish love
[x] love or lust?: you have to have both
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: i don't know i have never had the choice cause i only lone one. i find it is not possible though. there is one you love more like a friend normally
[x] true or false: love can be true or it could be false
[x] is there such thing as love at first sight?: my parents believe so
[x] are you in love right now?: of course silly
[x] how many times have you been in love?: 1 childish love and 1 mature love

_______Opposite Sex_______

[x] turn ons: personality! teasing and just being yourself
[x] parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: no but they love him anyway
[x] what kinda hair style?: what looks good on them
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: something special and a surprise saying that they thought saying about me and tried doing something extra special. putting on slow music and dancing with me
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: uhmm everywhere...but not that i really care
[x] are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers?: oh hell no they can holler at me

_______Picky Picky_______

[x] dog or cat: kitties
[x] short or long hair: doesn't matter
[x] sunshine or rain: both otherwise it is to dull
[x] moon or sun: moon ^__^ easier to look at
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 best friend cause you need that personal connection
[x] summer or winter: spring! heh warm, new life growing, but not to hot
[x] written letters or e-mails: both they are to much the same for me
[x] play station or nintendo: BOTH ARE WIN
[x] car or motorcycle: car first cause you can fit more people in it. motorcycle for you but only for fun
[x] house party or club: there is a time and a place for each but i go to clubs a little more
[x] sing or dance: dance is one of my loves but singing is so wonderful too


[x] how are you today?: meh on a good note
[x] what pants are you wearing right now?: pants?
[x] what does your hair look like at the moment?: hahahaha pulled back and messy
[x] what song are you listening to right now?: the rain pouring outside
[x] how is the weather right now?: pouring outside
[x] last person you talked to on the phone?:ohh voice mail from my mother >_<
[x] last dream you can remember?: last night i had the weirdest dream about kelly and steph then other people and trying to find someone who wanted to hold me in their arms... it was odd
[x] who are you talking to right now?: bob, keith, ola...aniverse-radio basically
[x] what time is it? 4:47pm PST

_______More About YOU!_______

[x] if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: one that color changes because i am no color all the time
[x] have you ever almost died?: when i was little but i don't remember. i got chicken pox and measles at the same time
[x] have you ever won any special award?: pfft i wish
[x] what's the stupidest thing you have ever done?: oh there are soo many that i could just tell you
[x] how many kids do you want to have?: least 1 most 4(thats where the clipping begins)
[x] son's name?: never thought of that except i want my dad's/gramps name in it
[x] daughter's name?: not really thought about that
[x] shampoo?: lavender
[x] what are you most scared of?: being alone
[x] how many TV's do you have in your house?: 6 one for each person/room and then some
[x] do you have your own TV?: yes
[x] have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: no not really...unless you count my hip but i am not sure what that is
[x] who do you dream about?: everyone..but day dream... keith >_> [x] who do you tell your dreams to?: keith and if its funny my girlfriends then maybe the rest
[x] is cheerleading a sport?: yes it is hard but i mean golf is considered a sport
[x] how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?: i don't really focus on that to busy sucking on it ^_~

_______You And Love______

[x] do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?: boyfriend <3
[x] where would you like to go on your honeymoon?: uhmm well we are not married and not planning on it. but i would love to go around the world or as many different countries as i could
[x] what do you like most of the opposite sex?: the feel of protection
[x] do you find yourself attractive?: to myself.. not really but i am told i am and sometimes i feel that way.
[x] do others find you attractive?: like i said i am told that i am<
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