this is to everyone i talk to & see

Nov 10, 2004 16:47

i dont want anyone around me anymore,i dont even want anyone to call me...i dont have the strength to hold on anymore so im just giving up on everyone & everything .All of you have enough to deal with on your own in your own lives & you dont need to deal with my shit to..i dont want to bring anyone down with me anymore then i already have if any of ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

evilbitch04 November 10 2004, 23:03:35 UTC
thank you Erica i just hope the others will do the same :*[ i know it will be hard for some if not all but its how it has 2 be right now i am truly sorry if this is hurting any of you


evilbitch04 November 11 2004, 02:47:14 UTC
i know this & alot of what u said Ron also told me 2night when he showed up at my house....i just dont know what im capable of & do no want to hurt you guys in anyway ok i love you to you know your my gurl well my bitch lol way bk 2 this shit....i dont want you guys gone forever just for a lil wile just until i sort this shit out again i am sorry


broken_mind666 November 11 2004, 21:34:11 UTC
Ally, i love you
enough to respect your wishes
i will leave you be for now
but just know if your in serious trouble im gonna be there
no matter what
but for now i will step aside and let you find your own way
just dont die
''lifes not a show, life isnt bliss, life is just this, its living you have to go on living,the pain that you feel it only can heal by lving''
remember that
and remember if you need me im here


evilbitch04 November 12 2004, 02:21:03 UTC
all the pain that i have will never heal because everytime i find happiness something bad happens so i get more pain & no healing.....i cant say that i wont die but i can promise that i wont try 2 ...i already feel like im dead just this horrible person who pushes away everyone she loves & keeps the dicks around,,,,i cant deal anymore i feel like a part of me is dieing more & more everyday & i cant do anything to stop it..or to stop the people i love from being hurt or worthless now


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