01. What is your full name: Robert Joseph Brandi Jr, Duke of Kalamazoo
02. What color trousers are you wearing now: Black jeans
03. What are you listening to right now: I can hear dinner being prepared, and Collective Soul is playing.
04. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 27.
05. What was the last thing you ate? Um.. I had a brownie, but it was one of those gross little debbie ones.
06. Last person you talked to on the phone: This one is tough. Probably Joe.
07. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Hairstyle, followed by eyes.
08. How are you today: I'm okay.
09. Favorite Drink: Redpop or Chocolate milk.
10. Favorite Alcoholic drink: For flavor I'd say triple blacks. For drunkage I'm gonna go with So-Co
11. job: I got hired at Timmy Ho's!
12. Hair Color: Black
13. Eye Color: Blue..ish.
14. Do you wear contacts: Not in my eyes...
15. Siblings: I have a little sister who is 5 years older than I
16. Favorite Food: Mashed Potatoes? Cereal? Pancakes?
17. Favorite Month: October. halloween so totally rules.
18. Last Movie you watched: Harry Potter 2? Maybe the Ref.
19. Favorite Day of the year? National Hot Dog Day. Or the day Kaity came to Saginaw.
20. Are you too shy to ask someone out? I should be.
21. Summer or Winter: Summer.
22. Hugs or Kisses? I like kisses, but I get more hugs.
23. Chocolate or Vanilla: People, I mean Chocolate.
24. Do you want your friends to respond back: Nothing pleases me like Comments on my LJ... and herpes.
25. Living Arrangements: Same place I've been for 17 years.
26. What books are you reading: I'm starting Angela's Ashes, and I read my ASL book a lot.
27. What's on your mouse pad: Don't have one.
28. Favorite Board Game: Hero Quest
29. What did you do last night: Sat on my computer, went to class, went to bed early.
30. Favorite Smells:Cookies, vanilla, this kick ass perfume that some girl at delta was wearing.
31. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: No, but I can touch YOUR nose with my tongue!
32. What inspires you? Friends, Games, being alone
33. Buttered or plain popcorn: Buttered I guess, but I can live without either.
34. Favorite flower: Cactuar? No, Maybe dandelions even though they are technically weeds.
35. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Woah, it's 2:30 already?
36. Do you still talk to your best friend(s) from high school: Some of them. Joe, Justin, Tyler, Melissa, and Gil are about it. Sometimes Gary or Joe S.
37. Pets: Does Carole count? what about my computer?
38. Rock Concert or Symphony: Rock Symphony.
39. Play or Opera: Um, musical Play.
40. Have you ever fired a gun: Many times.
41. Do you like to travel by plane: Only if it doesn't crash.
42. Right-handed or Left-handed: Right? Wrong. Right.
43. Smooth Peanut Butter or Chunky Peanut Butter: Smooth like a..
44. Mall: Me? No...
45. How many pillows do you sleep with: Usually a body pillow and two smaller ones.
46. City you were born in: Sag-Nasty.
a. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? Not completely
b. Put a body part on fire for amusement? Of my own? Then no.
c. Kept a secret from everyone? Until recently.
d. Wanted to hook up with a friend? Yeah, but I don't anymore.
e. Ever thought an animated character was hot?Besides Bugs Bunny dressed as a girl bunny?
f. Had a New Kids on the Block tape? Not until recently *grins*
g. Been on stage? A few times.
a. Shampoo? I like this Redken stuff I've got.
b. Soap? Lava.
c. Video Game? Ms Pacman.
d. Day/Night? Night
e. Color? Red.
f. Fave TV series? Anything on Adult Swim, really.
g. Phil Lamaar character? Samauri Jack.
h. Fave Advertisment? BillyWitchDoctor.com
i. Fave Movie? This question isn't fair. I'll go with Donnie Darko, but it really isnt.
---------------RIGHT NOW-------------------
j. Wearing? Aforementioned jeans, grey Invader Zim t-shirt. White socks.
k. Eating? Preparing to have dinner. My mother is roasting something dead.
l. Touching? myself.
m. Song again? Foreigner - I want to know hat love is
n. Thinking about? Fish sticks, for some reason.
o. Home? Yeah.
p. Talking to? Nobody
---------------THE LAST 24 Hrs---------------
q. Cried? nope
r. Meet ANY new FRIENDS? I met a chick named melissa who was really cool, but have no contact information for.
s. Cleaned your room? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-----------
a. Yourself? not usually
b. Senior Misterioso? *panics* yes!
c. Santa Claus? Only the evil robot
d. Tooth Fairy? only the evil chipmunk
e. Destiny/Fate? Not anymore
f. Angels? Dear GOD no.
g. Ghosts? Only when its dark.
--------------------FRIENDS AND LIFE-------------
a. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Not really. Distance is a bitch.
b. Who have you had a crush on the longest? Besides Bugs Bunny dressed as a girl bunny?
c. Who have you known the longest of your friends: currently? Joe Schmitt.
d. Who's the Shyest? Joe H.
e. Who's the weirdest? Ernie, He-Ryan, all my friends are fukkin' weird.
f. Who do you go to for advice? Ernie or Griz
g. When do you cry the most? When I get stabbed.
So I got hired at Tim Horton's pending a drug test. No way I'll fail. Its gonna be a decent job, which is really cool. I need the money.
Started School yesterday. English. Have ASL tomorrow which im really looking forward to.
Anyone want to do anything in the next few days?