Pin came into the lab. "Boss, I... Whoa." He walked up to the long haired woman on the bed. Doc grabbed his arm to arrest his forward motion.
"In the hall now, Pin, if you please."
"But Doc..."
The grey-haired woman frowned and pointed. "Corridor. Maggie, talk to him so we can get back to it?"
The brunette growled under her breath. She followed him out. "What the hell is it Pin?"
The man's dark eyes fixated on the lab door. "She's real."
"Yeah, she's real, real delusional apparently. Now what the hell did you want?"
"Oh, my cousin on GorG says that it's all clear there and he will shift bunks to take the farmboys off our hands until we can work things out. He wants to know if the mutie seeds are edible at all."
"Why am I not surprised you have Guts or Glory relations?" Maggie put her hands on her hips. "We don't have clearance from Doc on the seeds, so trade 'em other stuff for the station time. Get Izzy to walk you through the load but keep the offer low. If we have to hide from the Company, I want food to fall back on."
"Got it Boss." His eyes drifted curiously toward the lab door again.
"Anything else Pin?"
"Nope, no. Nothing. On my way." The man's face look thoughtful as he turned.
Maggie entered the lab to see Grace on her feet with the Doctor's help. She walked back over to the chair and leaned on the back of it, watching. She tapped her fingers and sat down. "I am so out of patience with the bullshit. Grace, or whatever your name is? Cut the mystic Earth crap and tell me what the hell is going on."