It's a new month and, thus, time for another State of the Pups.
Claire: She is settling in well. Is on her way to becoming friends with Elle Bishop, which amuses me to no end since Elle is precanon and Claire hasn't hit S2 yet. Is in for a rather huge shock tomorrow when she runs into Spock from STXI. She's got a boyfriend, a job and some friends. I've got a few evil plot ideas to run for her but not in the near future.
Joan: Got to help Penelope with the God stuff yay! Has made some good friends and is mostly disappointed by the lack of shirtless Riggins in her cabin this session. Still haven't come up with a good hook for the religious plot I want to run, though other folks are definitely interested. Need to brainstorm more.
Veronica: Currently plotting revenge on a certain half-demon who took pictures and emailed them out when he came to bail her out of jail (the other guys totally started it, okay). Is enjoying her time on the island, even if the CIA training bits have kind of fallen off with Sarah's departure.
Chris: Is happily off in alumniland. Nic and I realized that we haven't killed the boys off at all and clearly that means we're falling down on the job so we have some plot planning to do. The Halliwells (much like the Winchesters & Daniel Jackson) have a revolving door with death.
On the Horizon: Got a townie app almost done. And got my app lined up for fall. Though I need to email the admins to ask a question about that one now that newbie craziness is mostly over.
Veronica: Is keeping on keeping on. I don't really have much on the horizon for her in the way of plot. She's just... kind of there. Though with the new principal, she's in for some oh-so-fun times ahead.
Sam: Settled in happily to his life with Meg. Will be starting classes in the fall. Is getting a puppy. Died again temporarily (mere seconds this time). I never let him go long without bad things happening. Poor baby.
Dawn: Is settling in okay. Trying to figure out why Buffy didn't warn her about the weirdness. Likes her roomie, even though she thinks it is very strange that she's a teenage grandma.
On the Horizon: Shifting a few folks from H&M over to Milieux in the next few weeks. Need to phase them out of H&M and get apps written.
Claire: Being phased out in the next few weeks.
Owen: Still in post-honeymoon phase.
Dawn: May be going for a canon update soon.
Mary: Will be phased out with John after the Lilith plot.
Chris: Working at P3; enjoying the under 21 nights. Needs a thread with Luna soon.
Matt: Being phased out in the next few weeks.
Sarah: Has plot upcoming.
Booth: Needs a thread with Brennan dealing with the awkwardness of them sharing a bed.
On the Horizon: Have already written out Vala and Serena. Have an app holding for Logan Cale from Dark Angel.
Zoe: Need to touch base with Aspen and decide when/how we want to do Right as Raynes stuff. Need to EP her soon. Her voice is back thanks to a canon refresh. Plus new canon coming soon yay!
Esme: Owe Steph honeymoon things and Amanda piano things. Should also EP her sometime this month so she can meet some new folks.