Inspired by some of my fellow RPers at H&M, I decided to clear out some pups who weren't working as well for me.
Joan - dropping at the end of this semester. She was fun and I love her to pieces, but coming up with the God stuff is hard and it wasn't paying off to have her do random things so, yeah. Letting her go.
Chris - one more semester til he graduates. He won't be staying on the island for the summer though. I don't have specific plans for him post-grad, but he'll go to college and vanquish demons with his big brother. And eventually marry Summer :D
Veronica - I'm seriously having more fun with her at the Hyperion than I've had in a long time. It's a great group of players and the interpersonal relationships between the characters just make it such a gold mine for fun interaction.
Zoe Carter - I apped her this time around. I have some fun plans for her if she gets accepted and I expect that she'll end up being long term since she'll be coming in as a Freshman and her voice is about as easy as Veronica's for me. *crosses fingers*
Veronica - getting married in February. Should be fun. She's going to take off a semester of teaching because of the wedding. And she'll still be meddling in the affairs of her friends.
Sam - fun plot times with Sam & Meg are afoot! Because getting them pregnant wasn't enough :D Jenny & Iz are just as evil as I am with the plotty goodness. And canon gives us so much to work with.
Paige - has had some drama lately with fighting with Jake over Bella and with her mother showing up in town. Plus she's going to be an auntie soon! To actual babies, not some guy who is older than her ;)
Xander - is going away in the next week or so. I never had a strong voice for him and I play him so seldom that it seems silly to hang on to him. Buffy will be asking him to come back to Sunnydale.
Cassie - as interesting as the character is to me and as much as I wanted to explore her, I don't think an RP setting was the right choice. Live and learn, right? She barely interacted with anyone so she'll be quietly slipping away.
Josh - hadn't even arrived yet, but I decided that I needed to give myself a break from fake-teaching, so he got the axe as well. I still want to play him somewhere at some point, but it would be better if I had a Donna or a Sam for him to play off of.
Robin - dropped her. You would think that playing a character who primarily hangs out in a bar in canon in a bar RPG setting would be easy. It wasn't. Possibly because Tim and I both sort of lost our feel for actually moving them through canon or something. I don't know. But she's gone.
Zoe - still love her! She doesn't get out to play much, but I always have fun when she does and she's made some interesting acquaintences.
Esme Cullen - apping in January because I <3 Steph. She should be fun and low-key and we've got pretty much a full crew of sparklepires and plans to do some historic OOMs with Esme and Carlisle and some of the other family members.
Hearts & Minds
All my pups there are status quo. Having fun with all of them. Especially during the current crack plot. I love the laid back, easy pace of the game. It's nice not feeling rushed to complete things because time is marching on. Spent some time yesterday making EVIL PLOT PLANS with fellow players. I love playing with people who are just as evil as me. Also have a majorly schmoopy thing planned because I'm not ALWAYS evil.
I also have two characters on hold there. It may seem ridiculous to have so many characters in one game, but given that said game doesn't have daily/weekly posting requirements and you can SP to your heart's content, it's much easier to keep up there than any of my other games. Especially since we don't strictly follow the calendar. Plus after playing 3.5 years of school format games, it's kind of nice to have something a little different.
I need to add those muses to my table.
Anyway - that's another laid back, slow paced game.
Brennan is about to get a major shock -- as soon as I get my OC app in.
Sam and Ruby arrived in town and Sam met his teenage mother. I'm mostly looking forward to playing with the Sam/Ruby dynamic though.
Elle had a drink with Sylar which was fun. And she may be hooking up with a Sylar look-alike.