Title: The Meaning in Our Hands
Chapter: 1/1
evilgeniuskojiPairing: Reita/Ruki
Theme: Last train ride home
15memoriesGenre: Angst, romance, general
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: Don't let go till we get home. Let's just get on a train and go.
Comments: To tide you over till I get the next chapter up.
The silence swallowed him, and he let it. )
Comments 27
The lingering at the station and holding hands throughout the whole journey was the sweetest yet most bitter part. Its over, they both know it, and an empty gesture but it shows a shared reluctance to let go. :(
Beautiful as always. x
Yes, yes, I'm glad you understood it. That was my favorite part as well.
You flatter me, but thank you~.
and like hyacinthdreams said, i like the attention paid to the details, especially the focus on the hands.
your detailed descriptions work amazingly well and omg, have I ever mentioned that I love trains? trains are absolute win [train stations too] and I love reading about trains. XD anyway. there's something really heartbreaking in this fic, I mean sure it's about breaking up but it feels as if it was something bigger, heavier, almost like dying or something. and gah, you just manage to keep this amazing balance between descriptions and emotions in angst, without turning it into some emofest [something that I do when trying angst :/]. although I shouldn't encourage you to write more angst because it will kill me. :P
I lie, I love the way good angst leaves me close to tears
It won't kill you, I hope! xD So do I. Thanks for reading, deary. <3
Focusing on the hands was a nice touch. The symbolism of there being so little left in their relationship, just this weak connection that was more out of habit than anything; or possibly a silent refusal to "let go" of what they once had. The release of their hands at the end being the incontestable end was beautiful in its mournful realism.
It would be interesting to see this go a step further. Maybe a glimpse into more of the after effects on both of them. hint hint ;)
Pfft, a sequel? Nah, I don't think so. It'd ruin the effect of it, imo.
it somehow reminds me of a song.
it's in chinese though.
I'll take it as a compliment? Thanks for reading. :3
the song this story reminds me of is Julian Cheng's 10 fingers laced
yes, a compliment and to all your other lovely stories too. i like how it's focused around their hands and the slightest details surrounding this moment into time sceneary
somehow, i imagine this is like Reita's last request: to hold Ruki's hand one more time after the other has said it's over between them
Ah, I'll give it a listen. Thank you. ^^
Hmm, it does seem like that, yeah? But it's not like Ruki was objective to it, too.
...Listening to the song right now. xD Does seem to fit the story, yes.
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