tammypierce (who has been my favorite author for the past six or seven years and is awesome) posted a link to a call for submissions.
It's been a long time since I've written anything for the pure fun of it. The most writing I do nowadays is for class. It's a terrible, terrible pity. I don't even blog any more.
I find great enjoyment in writing
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Comments 5
Thank you for having faith in me. xD I'm glad someone does. I hope circumstances soon allow me to actually have time to write. Or I'll try to make time.
Hahaaa, I thought I might've posted it before, but when I looked I couldn't find it so I thought I didn't. Thank you for finding it. :3
Speaking of which: I have been talking about it to my friend chivakaza a lot, somehow we both read it a loong time ago and we could only remember bits and pieces and fapping over it ughhhhh!<333 &hearts
And now I look up at your "name" on the header of LJ and the bold X ... I DID read at least one of your stories, one for a challenge: where Ruki and Reita come back to the chidhood home of one of them (Ruki's maybe? not sure...) IT was so sweet and the kind of comfort story I've always been a sucker for *whistles*
I'm glad you're feeling a creative wave rising again and I'd love to see the results!<3
uhmmm,... a little sudden... but I did spy you on HeyGEorge's page and also on HereticPop's... May I add you? (it's ok if not, though you will have me creeping from time to time ahahahaha >.>; )
As for that creative wave, looks like it's not happening. >> So, so, ridiculously busy this quarter, it's not even funny.
Aha, yeah, I've known both of them for a while now. It's fine, go ahead and creep all you want. xD Not that I post on this journal any more, you see.
don't know if you remember me, but out of nowhere i remembered you and your LJ user name. i used to read your j-rock fic, especially for gazette. good times, good times. ;) i recall tracking your progress and finding you always pushed yourself and always improved, especially in story structure and characterization.
in other did not suck then, and i have no reason to believe you do now. you have a natural inclination and ability to express yourself through writing; it's how you're wired, and i hope you keep at it!
best to you in creativity and school and all other endeavours. :)
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