SPN!!! OMG!!! S6E2

Oct 01, 2010 23:47

basically a lot of this is just taken from my twitter with me adding extra details that wouldn't fit in the word limit : )

sam and dean having clandestine meetings in the dead of night! awww! <3 ( Read more... )

spn had taken over my life, squee

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Comments 2

maddonna001 October 2 2010, 09:06:45 UTC
you know what I don't understand? How could they miss the "gay couple with an adopted baby" - "what we are not gay,he is my brother" joke. would have been funny


eviljellybean88 October 2 2010, 22:05:23 UTC
IKR?!!! I was waiting for something like that, but it never came and I was majorly disappointed :(

apparently the "you 2 look exhausted" line from shapeshifter!grandma was suppose to be it, but it was way too subtle for my tastes :(


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