For all the boys reading, please note the following disclaimer: I'm about to disclose really personal details about my vagina, so if you're offended by that, skip down to DONE WITH THAT STUFF mmmk?
Surgery went well. I think I mentioned that already. But it's worth repeating because check this out. I had a period last month and being as I haven't bloodied my panties in almost a year and a half, all arrows point to 'healed.' It was pretty damned awful, too. For about 2 weeks before, I wanted to brutally murder any- and everyone that spoke to me. I'm keeping plenty of Midol on hand cause I just can't handle that shit, and neither can my family. I thought it was just the regular bi-polar goodness until Aunt Flo knocked. I still have the funkiest discharge I've ever seen and I'd fear VD except I haven't gotten laid since March of last year. And I have a follow-up pap smear coming up soon which I need to check on because I don't remember the exact date. Mental note to call about that some time today.
The only other major thing going on is Jayna. The second week of school, her counselor called to inform me that she's not doing her work in the class room. Like, not doing it AT ALL, just sitting there staring off into space when she's supposed to be working. When the lady called her in to discuss it, Jayna told her that she hears voices in her head and she can't concentrate.
Hysteria ensued.
I made the mistake of telling my mother and she, in typical fashion, completely shifted into psycho-irrational mode and blamed it on me, blamed it on Jayna being lazy, blamed it on Jayna's internet addiction, and wouldn't even consider the thought of her being schizophrenic. So yeah, there was a lot of yelling that night. My sister-in-law and I have decided that the woman is a soul-sucking leech and there will be an entirely new level of hell opened up just for her, if she ever has the decency to kick off, but it's doubtful. Only the good die young, right? She'll live to be 177.
The next day I had to go down to the school for a teacher conference, which pissed me off to no end. I didn't like dealing with teachers when I was in school, but they were all pretty good about it considering. Except for her math teacher. All the others were saying how bright she seemed to be when she actually did participate but the math teacher from hell just kind of smirked and said "I have no idea if she's intelligent. I haven't seen anything from her." And that would have been alright, I can understand that, but the thing was, Jayna was in there with us. (All the insanity from the night before had been extremely upsetting to her and when I woke her up that morning, she cried her little eyes out and begged me not to make her go. So I compromised on it and let her stay home until time for the meeting.) Aren't teachers supposed to be positive and encouraging at all times or is that just another of my delusions concerning people?
So anyway, we all had a chat and made a plan to get her on track.
Oh, wait. Let me back up.
When she was doing all the crying after she woke up, she finally 'fessed up and told me she had made it up about hearing the voices. She said she wanted my attention, but I'm not going to go into the ridiculousness of that right now. So I told her it was all going to be alright, that it was a little lie and no one was going to get mad at her, that she was really brave for coming clean before it got out of hand, I wasn't going to let anyone put her in an asylum (she was REALLY worried about that), and that she wasn't going to have to face any of it all by herself, I would be right there with her the entire time, and once it was all out in the open, it would be forgotten before too long. Bless her heart. I love that kid so much and I can't stand it that she has all this crap on her shoulders all the time, between me and my craziness, my mother's, the kids at school etc etc.
So, yeah. She hadn't slept well the night before and after she confessed she told me she felt so much better, that the lie had really done a number on her. She was practically giddy after that. So was I, for that matter. It's bad enough she has to be medicated for ADD, but feeding her Lithium on top of that would have seriously driven both of us to drink.
Alright. After the teacher meeting we met with the counselor and cleared all that up, but I fear the whole thing went into her permanent folder. Maybe I should ask about that next time I talk to the woman.
I made an appointment to get her back on Adderall but it was a rough couple of days after that. I'm not going into that, either, at least not now. This is getting too long already. There was another big scene with my mother that night and it was pretty bad. SO bad that I thought I was out of the house for good. It's all worked out now, for the most part, but if I had somewhere else to live, I'd be there right now.
Jayna started back on Adderall Friday and she had to stay at school until 7:00 to get caught up on her work. I was worried about that, because the meds always make her feel like shit at first, but she made it through alright. She's also got a standing date on Mondays and Thursdays for math tutoring until 4:00. But as far as I know, the little magic pill is doing it's thang and except for not doing her math homework last night, she's right back where she needs to be.
That math teacher, though...
All the teachers agreed to write down in her school planner all of her homework, so I can keep an eye on that and make sure it gets done. So far, the math teacher is the only one that did it. She was also adding these little snide notes that I took great offense to. One of them said 'blahblahblah she didn't turn in her homework blahblahblah PLEASE HELP!' and I'm ashamed to admit this, but the night before I received that note, I actually took a belt to Jayna's ass to get her to do the little bit of homework that she did. I shouldn't have done that, I wish I hadn't, but I had already begged, pleaded, threatened, bribed, taken away, yelled, and cried so much that physical violence was all that was left. Yeah, I was a bit upset about that. I talked to the counselor about it, and told her that the lady has absolutely NO idea what goes on in this house, the things I've done to get her to do her work, and I didn't appreciate the insinuation that I'm sitting here picking my nose and not doing my part. I guess the counselor mentioned it to the lady because the notes have stopped.
Monday, when I picked her up from the tutoring, the math teacher yanked my car door open, grinning like a goddamn idiot, and started gushing about how well Jayna was doing and how brilliant she is, and even gave me a high-five. So of course I had to give her an 'I told you so' and kind of rolled my eyes. I guess the lady's not so bad after all. And I can totally understand the frustration of her job, when one kid (and who knows how many others) just isn't with the program. I have respect for teachers, but at the same time, I don't, not when it comes to the fact that they get to go home at the end of the day and deal with their own families. I have to stress out over this shit all day. I dunno. Seeing that opinion of mine in black and white kind of makes it seem stupid. Teachers do have their own lives to deal with outside the classroom.
But as far as I know, she's alright now. The counselor at school thinks Jayna needs professional counseling for her mental state, and I do agree with her, but Jayna's always adamantly refused it any time I've ever brought it up. And given her tendency to clam up when it comes to talking about anything not Pokemon or Neopets related, I'm not sure it would even do her any good. I'm still debating on that.
As far as the drama goes, that's it. My parents left Saturday morning for a two week excursion to the north, and I could tell you how thrilled I am to have the house to myself and not have to listen to the constant bullshit from them, but there are no words to describe it.
Here's a couple of bonus stories.
Jayna has something seriously wrong with her nose. It's either the biggest pimple in the history of acne, or a boil. I think it's a boil. So her nose is all red with a big pussy lump on the left side. I should take a picture of it. It's pretty impressive. She won't squeeze it because it hurts so much and even though I'm absolutely dying to pop it because I'm nasty like that, I'm not encouraging it for fear of it leaving a scar. The ones on her legs have faded now but they were pretty bad. Anyway, she looked in the mirror yesterday and said, all disgusted, "I look like Rudolph." Poor baby. I feel awful for her, but at the same time, I am who I am and picking on her is a lot of fun. When we finally made it to bed last night, I told her to be sure and sleep on her back so I could have a nightlight. After she smacked me for that one, I said, "You better behave yourself or I won't let you join in any reindeer games." We were both laughing so much it was hard to breathe and that felt so good. There's not been much to laugh about lately. She's the only person that can make me laugh like that, even though an obvious physical disfigurement at the tender age of 12 isn't really very funny. But it'll be gone in a few days and be nothing but yet another bad memory of her 7th grade year. At least she can laugh about it.
Her sense of humor is the best.
She's started letting me straighten her hair every morning and it looks so good. She has great hair. But she's also really tender-headed and complains the entire time. I told her this morning, "Beauty has a price, ya know" to which she replied "What'd you pay for yours? $3 on clearance?" ZING! I love that kid.
The only dark cloud is the imminent return of my parents, and being as I broke the glass on my mother's serving tray/bar thingy trying to scrape the 12 layers of dust off the glasses she has set out on it, the shit is bound to hit the fan when she gets back and discovers it. And she will discover it. She'll start sniffing the air when she's about a mile from the house and instantly know if anything's not as it should be. She's weird like that. I'm thinking about getting another glass cut to avoid all that, but that shit is pricey and it's not as if I have a job or anything. Debating that, too.
Raise your hand if you've read all of this.
tandy , happy now? ;)
That was a lot of work.