
May 29, 2007 21:49

I have two words to describe my life this past year:
Stagnant.  Home.

I love to write letters.  Little in life makes me happier than sending mail.  They contain the great adventures of my life, both happy and sad, and the quiet moments of contemplation that I consider brilliant.  I found my letters dwindling this past year--especially this last ( Read more... )

grad school

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Comments 7

chi-town ext_44236 May 30 2007, 15:19:14 UTC
if you need any help, just give me a call

` P


Re: chi-town always_a_flower May 30 2007, 16:10:42 UTC
I am glad to hear that...on a different note, I have something to send you and I am not sure where you are living right now...home or school?

I miss you! and I'll keep praying for you!


Re: chi-town evilkeight May 30 2007, 16:18:36 UTC
I'm at school. Do you have that address?


maschinenbau May 30 2007, 17:36:34 UTC
for a long time I was intentionally looking for something that would take me away from Chicago. Jobs, grad school, whatever, just to be away and define myself not by my family or living in the neighborhood where I grew up. The first time my dad mentioned that I would be welcome to move back in after I graduated I was taken aback - it was the farthest thing from my mind. But thankfully the offer came a year before I was ready to accept it, and it took that year to figure out where home was. I knew I didn't belong in California, I felt as if I could live in Seattle, and i've never had an attraction to the right coast. I had no direction, and no way ( ... )


evilkeight May 30 2007, 18:43:28 UTC
As of late, the plan is to find an apartment with Sandy in the Chicago proper. I'm on the hunt.


enigma5312 May 31 2007, 16:39:22 UTC
I find this very exciting indeed. Do you have any specific area you are looking at?


evilkeight May 31 2007, 20:54:35 UTC
I'm going neighborhood hunting this weekend, but with Sandy at UIC we'll probably need to be somewhere off the Blue or Pink line.


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