Well now...
Jo took a bunch of quizzes. And made a different entry for each of them o_O
I decided not to xD
They're under the cut ^_^
You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.
Find out your color at Quiz Me! Are you Addicted to the Internet?
Hardcore Junkie (61% - 80%)
While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times. Phone? What's that? You plan your social events by contacting your friends online. Just be careful you don't get a repetitive wrist injury...
The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!
How much of an Internet Geek are you? Find out @ star-girl.org!
Which drug are you? Find out @ star-girl.org!
Are you a potential serial killer? Find out @ star-girl.org! And now the survey--->>
01. Name: Angelina
02. Birth date: 12=02=89
03. Birthplace: Melbourne, FL
04. Current Location: Elisville, FL
05. Eye Color: Hazel
06. Hair Color: dark brown
07. Height: 5'
08. Righty or Lefty: Righty(-o ^^)
09. Zodiac Sign: Sag *shoots you*
10. Marital Status: Single. NO ONE LUVES ME OMGZ
11. Nicknames: Ina, Ang,...Hey You!
13. Siblings: Ray, older bro; Connie, older half-sis
14. What did you do yesterday? I...played NFSU 2 xD And went online, duh.
16. What are you doing tomorrow? Eh, going to some meeting with some councelor...=\
17. What are you listening to?: AC...wahoo ^^
18. What country would you most like to visit?: Ireland.
19. What are you most afraid of?: omg, did you know that...well that's it. I'm afraid you KNOW, yo.
20. What are you wearing?: Eh, a shirt. It's black. And then a shirt underneat that, 'cause it buttons up. jeans. I WANT MY BRA BACK, JO!!
21. What are you thinking about right now? o_o This survey...
22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: I think I've taken this quiz. Electric yellow xD?
23. One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: NO pillows >D
24. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?:I give them to Ray. I don't like them ;_;
25. Single?: Almost always ^_~
27. Understanding?: As much as a human can be
28. Arrogant?: Not really...unless I really have mad skillz omg at something xD
29. Insecure?: Sometimes.
30. Interesting? :Some people say so. I like to think so ^^
31. Friendly?: See previous answer >.>;;
32. Smart?: Uhm...I dunno >_>
33. Moody?: Yes...;_;
34. Childish?: Of course :P
35. Independent?: Mostly
36. Emotionally Stable?: well EYE think so =\
37. Shy?: Yeah...=\
38. Attractive?: Eh, not really >_>;;
39. Bored Easily?: *ADD, yo* It'll be poop if I finish this today ^^
40. Responsible?: Yes
41. Sad?: Sort of lately. But then not. Mood swings, remember?
42. Obsessive?: YES >_>;;
43. Obsessive compulsive?: About some things (THE LINES!!)
44. Psycho?: Never oO
45. Your heritage?: Umm....I think European and American and Irish....or not. I'm a bastard, I think >_>;;
46. Your weakness?: Not knowing my weakness? If I were in battle, they would exploit that oO
47. Your fears?: You already asked this -_-
48. Your perfect pizza?: Just cheese. If it has anything else I don't eat it, no matter what.
50. Your current Mood?: uh...oO Odd
51. Your current Music?: Various Evanescence songs
52. Your current Taste?: Pizza, I think :P
53. Your current Hair?: Bun. It's out of my face, and ponytails look funny on me =\
54. Your current Smell: I smell like cocoanuts and popcorn oO??
55. Your current Favorite Celebrity: Wow. No idea. Currently? Hayden Christianson (sen? san?) He's so pretty *_* Woo, Anakin xD~
56. Your most overused phrase on AIM/AOL/MSN: "o_O"
57. Your thoughts first waking up?: What time is it o_O?
58. Your best physical feature?: Boobs? Everyone likes them =\...
59. Your bedtime?: On school nights 11pm. Weekends, whenever I conk out. Summer? 1am. (this doesn't make sense oO~!!)
60. Your most missed memory?:Missed? Well, it already happened, right? You mean the time in my life that I wish I could re-do and re-do? the whole 6th grade, probably. OMG, LOTR!! I love that year xDxD
61. Your good luck charm?: Eh, don't have one. I AM AN UNLUCKY STAR ;_;!! but I wish at 5:55 everyday ^_~ (well, twice a day :P)
62. Your favorite quote?: "In the confusion of a smoke bomb, I could remove your bra, and you WOULDN'T EVEN NOTICE." --Ninja of the Night (Naruto thing xD) Also? "Dude, we're NINJAS." -- same source xD
63. The worst song you ever heard: like, music? Uhhh...I dunno. I like everything xD. Oh wait...Candy Shop. They aren't even TRYING to be subtle anymore ;_;
64. The last thing you ate?: Pizza from Dominos
65. The last thing you said?: "Okay" to Mom about getting off (the internet) at 11pm and doing the dishes.
66. The best song you ever heard?: Oh wow. Too many awesome songs to count.
67. The shoes you wore today?: Black flowery (I think they're flowers o_O) flipflops xD
68. The most embarrassing thing you've done?: Too many embarassing things to count...><
69. Your room is like?: There are clothes all over the floor. I pick something up every day and smell it and then put it on. Even though most of the time everything smells like cocoanuts oO
70. Goal you'd like to achieve?: Finish at FWHS, then go on to college on full scholarship. (did it have to be probable o_O?)
71. Fallen for your best friend?: No.
72. Made out with JUST a friend?: No.
73. Been rejected?: I don't...think so o_O
74. Been in love?: Naaah...
75. Been in lust?: Yeeaah...
76. Used someone?: No.
77. Been used?: Not that I know of o_o
78. Cheated on someone?: That's just dumb -_-
79. Been cheated on?: Not...that I know of. ;_;
80. Done something you regret?: I regret nothing xD
81. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No.
82. Smoked?: Weed. Once. Never again.
83. Broken the law?: Yeah, I guess.
84. Broken a bone?: Yeah. My left arm. Twice >_>;;
85. Cheated on a test?: Jo looks over ay answers and tells me which are wrong >_>;;
86. Skinny dipped?: Nah.
87. Played truth or dare?: Hasn't everyone o_O? Jason and Dominic always wanted to play and dare me to do icky things. I didn't like playing with them. I always chose truth anyway xD
88. Flashed someone?: I did, kind of. It was a dare, to just open the back door and fling up my top. This was when my neighbors could see into my windows if they wanted. It was close quaters :P
89. Mooned someone?: No.
90. Kissed someone you didn't know?: No.
91. Been in a physical fight?: With Ray, no one else.
92. Ridden in a police car?: Yeah, twice. Once when they took me from the hospital, and then again when Dad called at around 2am and we had to walk down to the S&S because they wouldn't let him drive home drunk. A police car came and get me and Ray before we got there though.
93. Been on a plane?: I wish ;_;
94. Come close to dying?: I don't really think so.
95. Been in a sauna?: No.
96. Been in a hot tub?: Yes.
97. Swam in the ocean?: Yes.
98. Done illegal drugs?: Once >_<
99. Played a game that required removal of clothing?: No.
100. If so, was it mixed company?: I haven't...played.
101. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: Nah.
102. Been called a tease?: Yes o_O They so did not know what they were talking about.
103. Gotten beaten up?: No.
104. Considered a life of crime?: No.
105. Considered being a hooker?: Hooker, no. Stripper, yes. I was about...what, 7? At a friend of my dad's while they were playing poker. There was a stripper on TV, and she looked like she was having SO MUCH FUN!! So I decided that that's what I was going to do when I got older. Told dad. He told me to go home and watch cartoons and reconsider ;_;...
106. You talked to in person?: Ray, just now. Does that count? Someone outside the house o_O? Mail-lady yesterday xD
107. You talked to on the phone?: Crisco called today! He let me hear a recording of the band. They're good xD
108. You instant messaged?: Maria, just a while ago. Sadly, she said byw and logged off while mom was talking to me in her room. I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T SAY BYE MARIA!!
109. You had lunch with? Uhh...the people at school?
110. You kissed?: Kylie xD
111. Who broke your heart? No one.
112. Who kissed you?: ...Kylie?
113. You had physical contact with?: Uuhh...Ferg hugged me, last day of school xD
114. Color your hair?: No.
115. Have tattoos? No.
116. Have Piercings?: No.
117. Floss daily?: I try to. I did today!
118. Own a web cam?: No.
119. Ever get off the damn computer?: Yes. I am forced to.
120. Like Parks?: Sure. *sings amongst furry little woodland creatures*
121. Like school?: YES. That just proves how shitty my home life is.
122. Collect anything?: Uuhh...I started collecting YooHoo bottles xD (I have one so far! Dark Chocolate xD)
123. Work?: I will when I turn 16 xD (December)
124. Like shopping?: I never have money =\ But yeah, when I DO.
125. Party?: No.
126. Smoke?: Hell no.
127. Sing?: Of course! All the time! In the shower!
128. Have a crush?: Yus...>_> I'm not telling who!!
129. Do you think you've been in love?: No.
130. Want to go to college?: Uh, duh.
131. Like(d) high school?: Yes xD
132. Want to get married?: Maybe.
133. Believe in yourself?: Not usually.
134. Get motion sickness?: See above.
135. Think you're attractive?: No.
136. Think you're a health freak?: No.
137. Get along with your parent(s)?: More than my brother o_o Which doesn't really say much
138. Like thunderstorms?: Yus *_*
139. Play an instrument?: Almost...
140. Do you have a lava lamp?: Two ^^
141. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: The Teddy bear that Kip gave me when I was four.
142. Pepsi or Coke: Mountain Dew is Pepsi, right? So Pepsi ^^
143. McDonald's or Burger King: Taco Bell xD
144. Single or group dates: Single, I guess. Have I ever been on a single date o_O? No...but it'd be easier, I think.
145. Adidas or Nike: Eh...shoesies xD
146. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea, I guess.
147. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla xDxD~~!
148. Cappuccino or coffee: Milkshake =3
149. Chicken or fish: Fish.
150. Thongs or Panties: Underwear. Panties is a funny word o_O
151. Boxers or Briefs: Boxers, I guess. SMILEYFACESOMGXD
152. Candy or mints: Mints ^^
153. Drank alcohol?: Hell no.
154. Smoked?: Hell no.
155. Done a drug?: Hell no.
156. Had Sex?: No.
157. Made Out?: No...
158. Gone on a date?: No.
159. Gone to the mall?: Yes.
160. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No.
161. Eaten sushi?: No.
162. Been on stage?: No o_o
163. Been dumped?: No. Wait...I don't remember how long ago that was xD
164. Gone skating?: No.
165. Made homemade cookies?: No.
166. Gone skinny diping?: No.
167. Dyed your hair?: No.
168. Stolen anything?: No...I've been good recently xD
169. Best eye color: Green. All piercing and stuff ^^
170. Best hair color: Eh, the colorful kind...
171. Short or long hair: Long = Any length is fine. I like messy looking hair xDxD Like Crisco's and Roberto's xD~~
172. Height: Taller than I am, I guess. Not that that's hard to do xD Shorter is fine too. Appearences aren't much with me :P
173. Best weight: I like a little squish xD
174. Best articles of clothing: ...huh?
175. Best first date location: One that's happened? None. One that I'd like? It would be awesome to go to an amusement park as a first date xD. He can take me on a rollercoaster for the first time >_o
176. Best first kiss location: Not around a lot of people, I guess.
177. Aliens?: The truth is out there. Of course :P
178. Angels?: Maybe.
179. Heaven?: Maybe.
666. Hell?: Maybe.
180. God?: Maybe.
181. Yourself?: Most of the time, no =\
182. Ghosts?: Yes.
183. Love?: Maybe...
184. Love at first sight: No.
185. The tooth fairy?: No.
186. Santa Claus?: No.
187. Cupid? No.
188. The Easter Bunny?: No.
189. Where do you want to go to college?: I guess in Florida, b/c the scholarships are only for here, right? I'd love to go to a college in New York though, or California xDxD~~ *_*
191. What do you want to be when you grow up?: Artist or Psychietrist or Pyschologist or Author or Vet or Web Design or...y'know, anything.
192. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: Myself, I guess. Nothing else will last, probably. Maybe meet a guy (or one that I've met), and settle down...
193. Where do you want to get married?: In front of someone saying "...you may now kiss the Bride.", most likely.
194. Do you want to have a small or big wedding?: Small. Elope?
195. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: Anywhere with Rollercoasters xDxD
196. Do you want to have children?: Not have. Adopt, yes. Five of them xD, over the course of a year ^^
197. How many children do you want to have?: Uuh... Five.
198. What do you want to name them?: No clue x_x;; I thought I had it all set! Oh no o.o! One of them will be Deoxyriboneucleic Acid ^^
199. Where do you want to live?: In some huge city *_*
200. How do you want to die?: Slowly, PAINFULLY, omg. I want to die...like I'm dying. Or something. I have to idea >_o
201. Was this survey worth your time?: I suppose not. I've done longer ones though xD
Well, that's it for now I guess. Wahoo. *hits post* *post dies*...Poor post ;_;
...*holds funeral* It's only right >_o
btw, Jo? I dare you to count how many 'Net faces I used xD <--counting that one.
Also... uh, yeah. I did yard work today ^^ Like, cleaning up the porch and mowing the lawn. I wasn't asked though. I'm that extremely bored here. Crisco asked if I could come over today. But that was a few days ago and we haven't talked since =\...
"That's all been saaiiiidd~~ with the exception of the right parts. When will we be neeew~~ skin?" Ahh, incubus. When will I give the CD back to Jo o_O?
Anyway, yeah. I got all sweaty and stuff. Wasn't too fun. I just kept thinking "I need these sticks AWAY before I can mow here >8(!!" Though I never did get all of them picked up. But I realized that most of the part that I wanted to mow was DIRT, and there was no use. So I moved on to another spot and Ray tells me that I keep missing places. Then it starts to rain. BWAAAAH~~!!
Felt good after a nice shower though ^^
Also, watched the Matrix xD First one. I still haven't seen the second or third ones O_o
That's all for now... xDxD~~