1. I've only ever had 2 boyfriends, one of which I am currently in the relationship with.
2. I'm five foot exactly and have been for the past... 3-4 years.
3. I enjoy reading erotic fanfiction.
4. I can totally be a bit kinky at times.
5. I seem to like any guy I come in contact with.
6. I'm extremely into anime and manga.
7. I rarely curse, and so when I do I sound silly.
8. I reject almost every guy that asks me out.
9. I'm too passive of a person.
10. I'm too indecisive and can rarely make a decision on my own.
11. I'm in between obsessions at this point in time. (TCG-ing has kind of lost its effect)
12. My brother recently moved / was kicked out.
13. I like pretty much all music. Except emo bitches and country ^_^
14. I wish I was with friends right now =\
15. I enjoy kissing a little too much.
16. Hugs are equally nice ^_^
17. I love to take pictures, even if there is nothing to take pictures of.
18. I'm apparently not very good at thinking stuff up about myself.
19. Trust is extremely important to me.
20. Ninjas are uber, in my book.
21. John says I'm very direct. And weird.
22. I'm very emotiona. *ragecryomg*
23. I don't get along with parents.
24. I'm very self conscious.
25. I had to have help to get this far, and I'm stopping now =\