stolen from megan mwahaha

Apr 15, 2006 14:45


A - Age: 20
B - Best Quality: shhh i cant tell you that
C - Choice Of Meat: hmmm cow
D - Dream Date: anywhere cool
E - Ex (most recent): RJ...
F - Favorite Food: oh god i cant pick just one...
G - Greatest Accomplishment: not really sure
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: i cant see cause im still living so i still have a long time to have the "happiest day of my life" thing
I - Internal conflicts: a lot
K - Kool-Aid: i love kool-aid
L - Love: nick, friends, family, water, nature
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: hmmm not sure, there is a lot of things i have that i value
N - Name: Andrea
O - Outfit You Love: hmmm im not sure if i have just one outfit that i love more then others
P - Pizza Toppings: cheese and pepperoni :)
Q - Question you want to ask: Why cant anything never go right?
S - Sport To Watch: soccer! i mean
T - Television Show: csi, family guy, the simpsons :)
U - Unique habit: i think being me is a unique habit lol
W - Winter: cold...
Y - Year Born: 1986
Z - Zodiac Sign: Pieces oh yeah

1. Kissed your cousin: hmm yeah?
2. Ran away: no
3. Pictured your crush naked: duh
4. Actually seen your crush naked: yes :)
5. Broken someone's heart: yeah...
6. Been in love: yeah, and i am now
7. Cried when someone died: yes...
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yep
9. Broken a bone: nope
10. Drank alcohol: yes
11. Lied: yes
12. Cried in school: yeah...not so cool


14. SPRITE OR 7UP: sprite
15. GIRLS OR GUYS: I need my girlfriends to keep me sane but boys are fun to kick ^_^ (hehe i like megans answer)
16. FLOWERS OR CANDY: hmmm tough i like both haha
17. SCRUFF OR CLEAN SHAVEN: depends on the person
18. QUIET OR LOUD: depends
19. BLONDES OR BRUNETTES: brunettes!!
20. BITCHY OR SLUTTY: slutty
21. TALL OR SHORT: tall
22. PANTS OR SHORTS: pants


23. WHAT DO YOU NOTICE FIRST: eyes and smile
24. LAST PERSON YOU SLOW DANCED WITH? hmmmm....really slow dance like with music and such? then that would have to be that was so long ago...
25. WORST QUESTION TO ASK: ugh i dont know there are why to many...


26. SHOWERED: like two hours ago
27. HAD SEX: hmmm like two weeks ago...
28. HAD A GREAT TIME WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX: i dunno...i guess today maybe? i went to the gym with jimmy and that was fun


29. YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: i dont have a good luck charm...
30. PERSON YOU HATE MOST: i dont "hate" there are many people that i strongly dislike at the moment though...
31. THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU TODAY: im not sure its been a crappy day


32. COLOR: blue black and silver :)
33. MOVIE: oh wow there are to many
34. BOOK: haha like i read
35. SUBJECT IN SCHOOL: science
36. JUICE: hmmm juice
37. CARS: anything fords!!
38. ICE CREAM: i love ice cream
39. HOLIDAY: Halloween
40. SEASON: summer
41. BREAKFAST FOOD: i cant pick just one i like a lot
42. PLACE TO GO WITH YOUR HONEY: anywhere if im with him im happy

?? WHO

43. MAKES YOU LAUGH THE MOST: im not sure a lot of people
44. MAKES YOU SMILE: everyone duh
45. GIVES YOU A FUNNY FEELING WHEN YOU SEE THEM: what do you mean by funny?
46. HAS A CRUSH ON YOU: oh god, to many
47. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON: Nicholas!! well i think its a little more than a crush cause hes my boyfriend, and im in love with him <3
48. CAN MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER NO MATTER WHAT: hmmm no matter what? well i guess mostly Nick, Megan, and Jimmy and always my cousins :)
49. HAS IT EASIER GUYS OR GIRLS: I'm not sure, i've never been a guy so i really cant answer that.


54. WISH YOU WERE A MEMBER OF THE OPPOSITE SEX: i like it would be interesting to know that it is like, but im happy being a girl
55. CRIED BECAUSE OF SOMEONE'S MEAN WORDS: hmmm not a big girl...haha


56. COLOGNE: whatever it is that Nick and Jimmy wear...yea im pretty its the same thing...
57. PERFUME: im not sure
58. KISS: haha hmmm tough torn between two...hmm probably more Nick :)
59. ROMANTIC MEMORY: oh wow there are so many....
60. MOST RECENT ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU: hmm probably to give it time and try not to push things...


61. Fallen for your best friend?: yes...
62. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: we were just friends in the begining...
63. Been rejected?: yep
64. Been in love?: oh yeah, and i am now
65. Been in lust?: duh
66. Used someone?: never
67. Been used?: yeah...i believe i was
68. Cheated on someone?: nope
69. Been cheated on?: im actually not sure on this one...
70. Been kissed?: yes
71. Done something you regret?: yeah...

Who was the last person...

72. You touched?: hmmm besides me lol Nick...
73. You talked to?: i guess techinally it was Jimmy?
74. You hugged?: Nick
75. You instant messaged?: hmmm Nick and wait i was just talking to
76. You kissed?: Nicholas <3
77. You had sex with?: hmmm Nick duh lol
78. You yelled at?: myself?
79. You laughed with?: Nick
80. Who broke your heart?: hmmm...
81. Who told you they loved you?: Nick

Do you..

82. Color your hair? used to
83. Have tattoos? nope
84. Have piercings? yep
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? haha well Nick is my boyfriend, and Megan, Ashley, and Sarah are my girlfriends tehehehe
86. Own a webcam? no
87. Own a thong? yes! i love them
88. Ever get off the damn computer? sometimes lol
89. Sprechen sie deutsche? JA!
90. Habla espanol? no...
91. Quack? meow?

Have you / do you / are you...
92. Stolen anything? a long time ago
93. Smoke? nope
94. Schizophrenic? no
95. Obsessive? no...
96. Compulsive? maybe
97. Obsessive compulsive? haha oh yeah!
98. Panic? sometimes
99. Anxiety? maybe
100. Depressed? me? never....hmmm
101. Suicidal? no...
102. Obsessed with hate? hmm no?
103. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and
gore? every night haha
104. Dream of doing those things instead of just
seeing them? maybe...
105. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? At the ocean, with Nick
106. Can you do anything freakish with your body? haha wouldnt you like to know...
107. What facial feature do you find the most
attractive on others? eyes and smile
108. Would you vote for a woman candidate for
president?: sure why not
109. Would you marry for money?: hell no
110. Have you had braces?: nope
111. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: yes
112. Do you like hairy backs?: eeeew!
113. When was the last time you had a hickey?: ahhh i have one know...*glares at Nick*
114. Could you live without a computer?: maybe...
115. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc...?: AIM?
116. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: let me look...153
117. If you could live in any past, where would it be? im not sure...
I lost #118..
119. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: i usually take them off
120. What is your favorite fruit?: Strawberries :)
121. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: hmmm wheat?
122. What is your favorite place to visit?: the OCEAN!!!
123. What is the last movie you saw?: hmmmm...grr you for making me not sure
124. Do you kiss on the first date?: sure?
125. Are you photogenic?: i've been told i am
126. Do you dream in color or black and white?: both
127. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: i used to wear it all the time...but no im not
128. Is it chipped or fresh?: hmmm im not wearing any...
129. Do you have any dimples?: yes...
130. Do you remember being born?: of course i do! haha, im just that good
131. Why do you take surveys?: 'cause im bored..
132. Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your
favorite drink?: not sure i think a lot of the "girly" drinks
133. Did you like or do you like high school?: mmmm it was mostly drama...when there wasnt drama it was ok...
134. What is the best accent? oh god irish or grr i cant spell the other one..oh well, yeah my spelling sucks
135. Who do you want to kiss? nicholas
136. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Both
137. Do you want to live to be 100?: over
138. Is a flat stomach important to you?: on me it is
139. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: yep i've played with them
140. Are you loyal?: yes
141. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: yes
142. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: hnmmm usually i turn the lights off
143. Do you have nightmares frequently?: oh yeah...
144. Do you like your nose?: not so much...
145. Do you think you can draw well?: no
146. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: i dont remember, like 3rd or 4th grade maybe?
147. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: eh not a lot...i need more
148. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do
you like a variety? well since i really only have one pair of shoes...
149. Do you write poetry?: not so much
150. Do you snore?: i've been told that sometimes i do? but i have its when my neck is at a weird angle
151. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: back and sides
152. dog/cat? at home: both
153. Do you lick stamps?: no
154. Do you use an electric can opener?: yes
155. Have you ridden in a hotair balloon?: oh no...
156. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional
pain?: emotional duh
157. Favorite TV show?: hmm csi, family guy, the simpsons...
158. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: maybe
159. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: hmmmmm well i only know how to paly the piano so i guess piano?
160. Are you a sex addict?: hehe
161. Do you know someone who has cancer?: not anymore...i dont think
162. Do you like to argue?: depends...if its for fun than sure...if its for other things not so much
163. Do you hunt?: hunt? i like slaking better :p
164. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive
restaurants?: hmm food is food...dennys!! lol
165. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: zoo!
166. Do you have a middle name? What is it?: Marie
167. Are you basically a happy person?: shhh i cant tell you that
168. Are you tired?: not so much...
169. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it
today?: today? no
170. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?: lol yes and hes my boyfriend!!! *giggles*
171. How many phones do you have in your house?: hmmm i have no idea
172. How long is your hair?: like midback...i need to cut it!!
173. Do you get along with your parents?: sometimes
174. What color of eyes do you prefer?: ahhh i love blue eyes...but thats probably cause i wish i had blue eyes...
175. Full name: guess?
176. Were you named after anyone? kind of...both my grandma's, but that is because we all share the same birthday
177. Do you wish on stars? if i see a shooting star than yeah
178. Which finger is your favorite? hmmm ring?
179. When did you last cry? ha ha ha hmmm last nigh...shhh
181. Do you like your handwriting? not so much
182. Who do you admire, why? what i cant give out that type of information lol
183. What is the #1 priority in your life? hmmm living?
184. What is your favorite lunchmeat? ham i guess
185. Any bad habits?: maybe
186. What is your most embarrassing CD? hmmm i dont think that i have an embarrassing CD
187. If you were another person, would you be friends
with yourself? i am weird
188. Are you a daredevil? hmmmm
189. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to
tell? no
190. Have you ever stolen anything? this was asked
191. Do looks matter? sometimes...
192. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded
absolutely stupid? duh all the time, cause im just that good
193. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of
the rainbow? yes and im going to find it :)
194. Do fish have feelings? yes
195. Are you trendy? i dont i?
196. How do you release anger? you know i do this and that...
197. Where is your second home? in the
198. Do you trust others easily? not so much
199. What was your favorite toy as a child? oh my, im not sure...
200. What class in school do you think is totally
useless? history
201. Do you like sappy love songs? sometimes
202. Have you ever been on radio or television? not that i know of
203. Do you have a journal? hmmm...let me think 'cause this is a tough one...yeah yes i do its called livejournal lol
204. Do you use sarcasm a lot? nooooo never thats crazy...hahaha
205. Have you ever been in another country?: does canada count?
206. What do you look for in a guy/girl? good things...
207. What is your nickname? well my family calls me Annie...and i guess whatever Nick calls me...
208. Would you bungee jump? probably not...
209. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them
off? no
210. What are you worried about right now? losing someone...
211. Do you ever wear overalls? used to
212. Do you think you are strong? im not sure...i really dont sit around a think.. am i strong? lol
213. What's your mom's job? clay beater really i swear...i think that would be a cool name for a job
214. What's your dad's job? director of operations at rebliable churchhill
215. What's your least favorite thing in the world? death
216. How many wisdom teeth do you have? im not sure...
217. Do you have anything pierced? yes
218. Do you have any tattoos? no
219. What would you change about yourself? im not sure if i would...
220. Who is most likely to respond to this first? hmmm no one?
221. Who are the people you care most about? nick, friends, family
222. I see: living people
223. I need: something
224. I find: that its nice outside...i should be outside
225. I want: food
226. I have: a guinea
227. I wish: that things would get better
228. I love: Nicholas
229. I hate: things...
230. I miss: him
231. I fear: i might lose him
232. I feel: hungry
233. I hear: birds outside
234. I smell: orange juice
235. I wonder: if things well get better
236. I regret: a few things

When was the last time I ...
237. Smiled?: hmmm i guess last night with Nick
238. Laughed?: again last night with Nick
239. Cried?: shh i already told you
240. Bought something?: hmmm...well i have to give Erich money 'cause he bought me minutes for my phone
241. Danced?: who knows
242. Were sarcastic?: today
243. Kissed someone?: today
244. Talked to an ex?: talked to Jimmy through texting
245. Watched your favorite movie?: not sure

246. Do you own any plaid clothing?: no
247. Do you own Converse shoes?: no
248. Do you own Saucony shoes?: no
249. Do you own old school Nikes?: no
250. Do you wear tight pants?: yes
251. Is there more than one zipper in your pants?: not the ones im wearing

In the last day:
252. Worn a skirt: no
253. Been mean: no
254. Been sarcastic: probably
255. Met someone new: dont believe so
256. Talked to someone you have a crush on: yeah, but its kind of more than a crush 'cause im in love with him
257. Missed someone: yes
258. Hugged someone: yes
259. Fought with your parents: no
260. Wished upon a star: no
261. Laughed until you cried: no
262. Played Truth or Dare: no
263. Watched a sunrise/sunset: no
264. Went to the beach at night: no
265. Spent quality time alone: no
266. Read a book for fun: haha like i read
267. Are you lonely: kind of
268. Are you wearing your pajamas: nope
269. Are you talking to someone online: not anymore

About My Ideal Of Guy (Girls only!)
270. Boxers or Briefs: boxers i guess
271. Long or Short hair: depends on the person
272. Tall or Short: tall :)
273. Six pack or Muscular arms: OoOo both :)
274. Good or Bad guy: haha both
275. Tan or Fair: Tan
276. Smart or not all there: smart
277. Shaves (face) or no: depends on the person...some guys just dont look good with facial hair
278. Athletic or Nerdy: both :)

About My Ideal of a Girl (Guys only!)
270. Kind of Underwear (full, bikini, thong):
271. Long or Short hair:
272. Tall or short:
273. Skinny or full:
274. Good or bad girl:
275. Tan or fair:
276. Smart or Ditzy:
277. Shaves (down there) or no:
278. Cute n'Mysterious or Wild n'Sexy:

279. How long did this survey take you: too long...hahaha

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