have an HP slash survey! under the cut to save you from gay secks!
Harry Potter Slash -- The Quiz[x] General Slash Questions -->1) Do you know what slash is?:hellz yes i do 2) How did you first find out about slash?:one day jamie and i were wondering if harry potter porn exists and did a search 3) What are your feelings on slash?:<3 it! tho no mpreg plz. unless its a parody/crack!fic 4) Any particular things you like to read in slash fics?:h/d, lucius/snape, pretty much any death eater fics, crack!fic [x] General Harry Potter Questions -->1) Do you know what Harry Potter is?:a hott gay wizard? 2) How did you first find out?:the interweb 3) What do you think about HP?:love it 4) Any specifics when it comes to HP fics?:slash and/or crack, plz 5) Any good fic archives for HP fic?:oh there are tons on lj [x] Harry Potter Slash Questions -->1) When did you discover HP Slash?:years ago.. between book 5 and 6, i believe 2) How did you feel about it?:intrigued, then obsessed 3) What was your first slash pairing you read?:h/d 4) What is your OTP (One Top Pairing)?:h/d, boring and typical, i know. but i love those boys together. 5) Your top five pairings?:h/d, l/s, bellatrix/voldie, bella/rodolphus, r/h if i'm feeling boring het 6) What is the one quirk you have in the fandom that others don't get?:i refuse to read non-crack mpreg fics 7) Do you write slash?:i've attempted 8) What's your best piece of slash written so far (prior to this quiz)?:oh geez, none of them were any good 9) I want some slash recs. What are some you'd want to give me?:anything by rurounihime or arrmaitee 10) Do you have a slash author you idolise/love their work?:see above [x] The Specifics: In-Depth on Pairings -->1) Tell me. Who has to be the dominant one?:draco 2) Why?:because he's better than everyone else 3) Who's your bottom then?:harry 4) Why?:he just is... i don't buy top!harry 5) What is the one pairing you indulge in, but your friends hate?:haha my friends hate it all! 6) What is the pairing you never thought you'd like, but you did anyway?:draco/giant squid, with harry watching. can't remember who wrote it, but it was hella hott. 7) What kind of naughty stuff does your OTP do in the bedroom/anywhere?:whatever they feel like doing. but plz no ass to mouth. you never go ass to mouth. 8) Do you do Cross-Gen or Beastiality (how else do I phrase this...)?:i will read some death eater cross gen. and i can do beastiality if its crack. 9) What is the most overrated slash couple ever (even if you love it lol)?:snupin. 10) What couple needs more fanfiction?:bella/anyone 11) Do you have a fansite/fanfic series on your OTP?:not talented enough :( 12) If you could convert the world with one pairing, what would it be?:h/d 13) What is your shout-out to your OTP?:uh.. keep being homos? [x] HP Slash Fic Specifics: Oh Boy! Ship' Time!! -->1) What fic converted you to slash?:it was one where harry was using parseltongue and i think he shaved draco and then bjs ensued. 2) Which fic would you recommend to newbie slashers?:anything by ruro or arrmaitee 3) What fic squicks you the most?:serious mpregs, dumbledore/anyone, hagrid/anyone 4) Have you stumbled upon a fic of a fave couple and ended up hating it?:hmm probably somewhere along the line 5) What do you think about the amount of badly written slash produced?:i usually stick to respectable authors/communities 6) Has that made you stop shipping your pairing?:no 7) Since...*cough* died, do you think Depressing!Remus is portrayed as OOC?:not at all, as proved by deathly hallows. 8) What about the incest-fest? Weasleycest, Malfoycest, Blackcest, ect...?:i'm down with the twincest. rarely like malfoycest, can do blackcest 9) Fave pairings with Sirius?:james 10) Fave pairings with Harry?:draco 11) Fave pairings with Ron?:hermione 12) Fave pairings with Draco?:harry 13) Fave pairings with Severus?:bella/voldie/lucius 14) Any other fave pairings you want to share?:nothing specific [x] Fandom Questions:1) Who's your fave slash artist?:viking_carrot!!!! 2) Do you read stuff from the SSFQF?:dunno what that is, so i'm gonna go with no 3) Your stand on JK's lawyers hunting down slash sites.:leave the fans alone! its not like they're making money or claiming rights or anything. 4) Are you able to access RestrictedSection.org?:dunno 5) FF.net: The melting pot of all crappy fics?:pretty much 6) Favourite Ship' site?:livejournal 7) Since I'm bored...Hell, what do you think of this survey?:its decent 8) Any last words?:h/d forevar!
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