It is nearly a week after The Shadow's sobering visit to the Nexus before he invites Ichi for a drink.
The coordinates he attaches are the same he has sent before, whether Ichi has a way to tell that or not. He will land in the living room of the Rettigue apartment, which may be slightly familiar by scent and the sense of a grand space. The furniture is rarely moved, and the smell of coffee seems to linger any time of day or night. Knowing Ichi's own schedule is little dictated by time of day, he's invited him for a very early morning drinking session. When the earliest of risers wake to greet the dawn is roughly when The Shadow's workday ends. He is still in his work suit, smelling faintly of the streets, the late paperwork is stacked now, and whatever is left in the pile can wait for the afternoon. He does not bother to get up as his guest arrives.