Average* entire* spaces after thoes commas in the ocean list Take out that period after ocean and replace it with a , for example, and take out -like- and* Revise this sentance: They are different from lakes, rivers, and streams because of their size and salt water content. Plant life in the ocean is limited to mostly kelp and seaweed. Creature life in the ocean, however, is vast and facinating. lively* environment* that the creatures live in.* The inter-tidal zone* connects* It* The warmest part of the ocean is often the shallow shores on beachs. The ocean also contains microscopic creatures that feed on floating particals.
Comments 1
spaces after thoes commas in the ocean list
Take out that period after ocean and replace it with a , for example, and take out -like-
Revise this sentance: They are different from lakes, rivers, and streams because of their size and salt water content.
Plant life in the ocean is limited to mostly kelp and seaweed. Creature life in the ocean, however, is vast and facinating.
that the creatures live in.*
The inter-tidal zone*
The warmest part of the ocean is often the shallow shores on beachs.
The ocean also contains microscopic creatures that feed on floating particals.
I don't feel like reading the rest =\
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