I'm glad you enjoyed it more than I did. I'm afraid my reaction was pretty much "meh" - and I'd put it on a level with Captain America: The First Avengers and The Incredible Hulk - but then I'm a script person and most of the fail was in the script and particularly in the plot. Also not at all fond of Pepper spending almost the whole movie 'tied to the railway tracks'.
I'm posting my own considered reactions some time next week when more people have seen it.
What I loved, I loved. What I hated, I reallllllly hated. Particularly the reveal about the Mandarin.
I just posted this on Tumblr too: That line cheered me immensely: Tony Stark will return
I dunno. It sounds silly but I almost don’t know if I should be upset or anxious or worried or whatever. It’s like I don’t know how to feel until I hear something concrete about RDJ’s negotiations with Marvel and what the future holds.
I am still very anxious about it. It's just...it was almost TOO MUCH closure, you know? Like they're almost shutting the door on having Iron Man in the MCU again. Tony Stark, yes. But not Iron Man.
Also though, from a purely selfish standpoint I hate the loss of the arc reactor because it was such a wonderful device to write about. Not just physically, but all the symbolism and emotion attached to it too. And I’m already mourning that loss.
I very much wonder how fandom will move forward on this.
Yes yes yes yes!!!!! Saw it today. Agree on most of your points, especially the Mandarin being an act. And more character development on the others. Loved RDJ!!!! He's like a fine wine! Loved the interactions with the kid. And at the end when he was hugging Pepper. I laughed out loud many times. And I had guessed Pepper hadn't perished in the fall so I was totally expecting her to make her blazing appearance. Sigh. Makes me want to see The Avengers again. Oh and I loved the trailers, especially Thor!
I saw it again this afternoon. I still cried. Still love it. I'm coming to terms with the loss of the arc reactor, though, mostly because now I believe that Tony took Extremis himself. I still don't like the twist on the Mandarin though.
Comments 7
I'm posting my own considered reactions some time next week when more people have seen it.
I just posted this on Tumblr too: That line cheered me immensely: Tony Stark will return
I dunno. It sounds silly but I almost don’t know if I should be upset or anxious or worried or whatever. It’s like I don’t know how to feel until I hear something concrete about RDJ’s negotiations with Marvel and what the future holds.
I must admit that I have some qualms about the way that RDJ seems to be taking Tony.
Also though, from a purely selfish standpoint I hate the loss of the arc reactor because it was such a wonderful device to write about. Not just physically, but all the symbolism and emotion attached to it too. And I’m already mourning that loss.
I very much wonder how fandom will move forward on this.
Agree on most of your points, especially the Mandarin being an act. And more character development on the others.
Loved RDJ!!!! He's like a fine wine! Loved the interactions with the kid. And at the end when he was hugging Pepper.
I laughed out loud many times.
And I had guessed Pepper hadn't perished in the fall so I was totally expecting her to make her blazing appearance.
Sigh. Makes me want to see The Avengers again.
Oh and I loved the trailers, especially Thor!
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