(no subject)

May 12, 2005 15:32

ethan: god i have enough to deal with right now i dont need you to flip out too
me: whats wrong with your life ethan?
me: your life seems fine to me
ethan: yeah..on hte outside
me: well whats wrong
ethan: you dont have someone commenting on the way you were raised, how you act 24/7 and shit like that
me: what?
ethan: all i did was ask izzy to make me her friend on her LJ and then it all went down from there
me: dude if someone doesn't make you their friend it might be for a reason
ethan: its more that that
ethan: its not about her not making me her friend
me: tell me i'd love to hear it
ethan: just go to her livejournal and read the comments on the page where it says friends only
me: ok
ethan: are you reading it
me: yes
ethan: and
ethan: what do you think
me: h.o
me: i think the whole thing is stupid and if you guys don't want to be friends then don't force it
me: she didn't use you either...she wanted to go to the concert to hang out with you...yes in the end she changed her mind about going just to hang out with you but thats becuase she got to know you better...she didn't know all the stupid things you do...you can't blame her for that
me: and you just flipped out and started assuming things
ethan: so your sayign ido stupid things
me: yes everyone does
ethan: like what
ethan: and how many times have you gone out with garrick and broke up with him?
me: you flip out easily
ethan: and you say i do stupid things
me: omg what the hell does that have to do with this
me: yes i know...i made a mistake but you don't have to bring it up every time we get into a ight
me: fight*
me: i really don't care anymore...do what you want...if you lose izzy's friendship too bad...
ethan: HEY! you wanted to kno
ethan: know** and i dotn care if she not my firend now, sh enever WAS
me: she tried to be
ethan: yeah...okay
ethan: saying hi to me once in a while
me: i don't talk to my friends every single day
ethan: yeah.....but you have a ton
me: like lo lo i barely ever talk to
me: so what
ethan: i have like none
me: if you want more friends you can't be shy
ethan: so its kinda important i talk to them
ethan: i cnat help it if im shy
me: i had to work at getting my friends
me: i got over my fucking shyness
ethan: i was made fun of all me life and now i an afarid of rejection from people
me: i still can't talk to strangers
me: i've been made fun of every day of my life...by my siblings, my parents, my friends, people i don't even know
me: don't listen to it
ethan: irts kinda hard when everybody dose it
me: everyone makes fun of me
ethan: my mom calls me fat, people i dont know call me retarted i get insulted on every fucking thing i do@
ethan: do!
me: so do i
me: well except the fat thing
ethan: yeah.......
me: work out
ethan: but you have people who stick up for you
ethan: you dont understand i have NOBODY
me: start running, try a weightlose program, you can get rid of the fat
me: who's gunna stick up for me?
me: lauren? no
ethan: thanks great words of advice
me: kacie and ginny? no
me: who is going to stick up for me
ethan: you have tons of friends who will
me: no i don't
ethan: well you seem like you do
me: they make fun of me right along with everyone else
ethan: do they do it jokingly
ethan: or angrily
me: not all the time
me: most of the jokes are true
ethan: like what jokes
me: almost anything lauren says
ethan: like what though im not there when she says something
me: like when she calls me stupid for the whole garrick thing
me: when she makes fun of me for going out with everyone
me: she calls me slow all the time
ethan:  insult her back
me: i can't
ethan: dont let her controll you
ethan: why not
me: cuase its all true
ethan: your not slow tiffany
me: and why start something more
me: yeah i am dude
ethan: obviously your not
me: okay...maybe you haven't seen me when i'm slow but thats cuase you barely ever see me
me: i don't understand most things that go on around me
ethan: neither do i
ethan: im usually the idiot asking whats going on
me: ok
me: but the thing with insulting her back...whats that going to give me...nothing...it will just show that i'm just as bad
ethan: true
ethan: no offense
ethan: so.....i bet i sound like a retard right
me: yes
ethan: thanks!
ethan: lol
me: you need more backup with the fights
ethan: i have noone
ethan: we've gone over this
me: you can't just be like, no one likes me, i'm fat
ethan: well its TRUE
me: you can fix those things
me: you can lose weight
ethan: name five people who genuinely lik eme
me: you can be nicer
ethan: like me**
me: idk...i don't hang out with you enough
me: um...how about Katie though?
ethan: yeah...tat what everyone says
ethan: :i dont hang out with you enough"
me: well i don't know what to say to you okay
ethan: okay
ethan: i didnt mean to put you on the spot
me: ok
me: i need food
ethan: im sorry
ethan: okay you go get food while i throw some uo
ethan: up**
me: okay um no
Ethan: im kidding
Me: good
Me: bye
Ethan: i know thats not something to joke about
Me: not at all
Ethan: im sorry
Ethan: i have a shity sense of humor
Me: you can fix that too
Ethan: i know
Ethan: its so much to fiz
Me: ok
Me: bye

idk he justs bugs me sometimes.

well Ryan i heard was gay, and i found out he's friends with mitch. I doubt he's acually gay and well lets hope hes not acually friends with mitch either. cuase that would suck. o well w.e i wish we could just this all behind us and forget about it but i don't think we ever will.
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