okie dokie.... well i wrote an essay for my PSEO thing... its about taking risks
(i'll ljcut it for those that don't really want to read it and are just skimming
Risk. The dictionary defines risk as the possibility of suffering harm or loss. I’d like to think of it as trying something new, and potentially finding something really good. The biggest risk I took this year was being more open about what I thought. It may not sound like a huge thing, but to me it is. I used to be the kind of person that did everything possible to make people like me, and I realized that I’m sick of it. This year I made a resolution to be more myself. Lots of good things came out of this, and even more bad. In the end, I decided that my risk was a good risk to take. I am happier than I’ve ever been, and I have tons of close friends.
Quite a few people couldn’t handle my more honest personality. For a while it seemed as if no one really liked me and they all had decided to hate me. Several people would say mean things about me while I was still in the room, but I didn’t let it phase me. It was at this point that I wanted to go back in time and change my mind, and never change how I acted. But after a week of what I thought was torture, I realized something: I still had my close friends. They never left me, and even now we grow closer and closer.
Even more good things kept happening… I realized that I never really cared what my ‘friends’ thought. I was able to ignore their criticism, and soon it stopped. In the meanwhile, I spent more and more time with the people who were my true friends. For example, I’ve never been really close with this girl named Kerry. We spent more time together, and now we are best friends. I laugh more each day, and I ignore the rude comments that are sent my way. I realize that they are just a part of life and I have to ignore them.
After all of my experiences so far I realized that my risk of being honest with everyone had more meaningful pros than cons, and it was a smart decision. I may have upset some people on my way to discovering myself, and I’m sorry for it. But my mental health is more important than pleasing everyone I meet. I can relax now, and not worry about ‘dropping character’ and it is the best feeling in the world. I’d like to think that being more honest allows me to express myself better, and I truly think that I am a better person for it.
it still needs some polishing, and if you guys have any suggestions, i'll be happy to listen to them.
I misses you Teresa!
i also miss that kid chris that i met at dorian... he was soooo cute!
one more thing:
Corey, i tried to talk to you, explain why i was mad, and you hung up on me before i could apologize... why?