So how do you do fajitas without bread? I thought bread of any kind was a nono? That is why we are not on to this, the grain is really hard for me to figure around menus. I can cut it way down, but pasta, rice, bread are such integral parts of my food plans I just cannot do the mental shift.
Breakfast in our fast run out the door is based on grain to some level. I cannot face eggs that early in the morning, by the time we get to work I could do eggs but not everyday. So what is for b-fast?
Either way you guys keep going and I am fascinated.
lettuce wraps instead of tortilla. Meat and eggs or dinner leftovers are usually my breakfast. Eggs are only if Jen wants them too. Usually just sausage or bacon. Spaghetti squash was an acceptable sub for spaghetti. Rice I just gave up, but the only rice I really like is short grain sushi so I don't miss it much. Even if Jen can cook it right. Cashew butter is something I always keep around now since peanut butter is out. Jen likes Sun butter but I don't like that one so much. No Dairy is much harder than no bread. No butter for cooking, no milk or cream for cooking or coffee. No dairy based salad dressing, like Ranch or Blue cheese. Also no added sugar is difficult but for the most part can be managed. Coconut milk and pineapple makes a fairly edible ice cream substitute.
Yeah, the lettuce wraps are a sub for a lot of meals now - fajitas, chinese lettuce wraps, etc. I've tried grated cauliflower fried as an alternative to hash browns. It wasn't bad, accepted for what it was and not expecting a true potato substitute.
Tonight I'm planning on trying a "paleo-fied" shephard's pie, using smashed cauliflower and rutabega instead of mashed potatoes. We were getting really stuck on a few "safe" meals, and getting bored, so I've been working on hunting out ideas for "paleo" meals.
I miss cream, and occasionally rice or potatoes, but now that I've realized just how sick wheat was making me feel - I can do without. At this point, I don't miss it all that much anyhow.
Comments 4
Breakfast in our fast run out the door is based on grain to some level. I cannot face eggs that early in the morning, by the time we get to work I could do eggs but not everyday. So what is for b-fast?
Either way you guys keep going and I am fascinated.
Tonight I'm planning on trying a "paleo-fied" shephard's pie, using smashed cauliflower and rutabega instead of mashed potatoes. We were getting really stuck on a few "safe" meals, and getting bored, so I've been working on hunting out ideas for "paleo" meals.
I miss cream, and occasionally rice or potatoes, but now that I've realized just how sick wheat was making me feel - I can do without. At this point, I don't miss it all that much anyhow.
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