So me being locked out of my phone ended up lasting for a whole day.
I had to go to the Apple store to get it restored to factory settings. I didn’t lose any photos but my contacts got all wacky. It was annoying and stupid. I have no idea how my passcode got changed, or if I did it for some reason while drunk or something... I just don’t know why I would? And it wasn’t any of the numbers I would’ve used. I know myself well enough to know how my brain works with numbers. But apparently somehow it was changed. Anyway... it’s like I have a new phone now and I hate it lol it feels like a stranger. I can’t remember exactly how my apps were set up or even what apps I had! Haha... it’s all so silly. A little computer I’m addicted to. I survived a whole 24 hours without it though and only missed it in my car when I couldn’t put on a podcast.
I’m tired. It’s only Monday and I already want it to be the weekend again. Work is boring now that I’m in the 3rd grade classroom. I miss my pre-k babies. 😢