Jan 18, 2007 21:17

Okay, so any of you that know me really well know that I am completely in love with my car. My baby, Lucy. Well, today, I had the most horrifying expierience of my life.

Okay, this is my Lucy before. These were taken the day I bought her, four months ago.

And...I was driving down the highway and it was kinda snowy, but I didn't think that it was slick. Well, I tried to pass a truck that was going 35 mph and I was only going 55 mph. Suddenly, my car fishtailed really bad because it's rear wheel drive, and it was either hit the truck and probably die, or go into the ditch. I spun the car into the ditch and the airbags deployed and knocked me out, but they told me that I hit a guardrail.

My door wouldn't open more than a foot, so I somehow came to and fought my way out of the car and a police officer happened to drive by right as it happened. I walked away with some minor head and neck trauma and that's it. My glasses flew off of my head and so did my headband, plus, my cellphone flew out of my JEANS pocket. Yeah, jeans pocket. Luckily, somehow, my sidekick was in my hoodie pocket and it stayed there, so I was able to call 911, hysterical. These pictures are honestly the reason why I believe in God.

That's the front end of my car after. The front end was completely scattered around the accident site, and I have the grill with the pony in it sitting on my tv, it is the only thing out of the front end that remained undamaged.

That's the passenger side of my car after, and that's as far as that door will open.

There's the interior of the driver's side, with all of the parts to the front end inside of it. It ripped the headlights off of the car and threw them about 30 feet.

This is the seat I was sitting in this morning when it happened, the right side was pretty much demolished. I had to basically fight the door to get out right after I wrecked it, almost to the point where I was going to break the window because the door was trapped.

Wide shot of my side.

The police officers, fire department and paramedics all said that they honestly can not believe that I survived this crash, but not only did I survive, I walked away. The doctor gave me Valium to help me relax, because it's simply the most horrifying thing that I have ever experienced.
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