Seriously, having your own line of greeting cards is a fabulous idea. You could make them famous just like Zelda the bulldog You might as well create a whole line of holiday/special occasion cards and posters through a place like and make picture books through Then you can sell them on a website and accept credit cards through paypal.
Really, the hardest thing about starting up a home business is finding a unique product that people would want to buy and you already have that. Just market the shit out of it with web banners, links etc...
If you want any help, let me know. I have experience doing all these things for businesses. :)
Do you think the cards should have text on it at all? If I do make cards to sell I probably will just have the "Happy Halloween", but not the "-Beatrix & Trixy" part?
yea I consulted with her before I named her. I like it cause 'trix' is in Beatrix's name and it sounds like a little girl's name and I liked the idea of naming her after someone I like.
Comments 12
Seriously, having your own line of greeting cards is a fabulous idea. You could make them famous just like Zelda the bulldog You might as well create a whole line of holiday/special occasion cards and posters through a place like and make picture books through Then you can sell them on a website and accept credit cards through paypal.
Really, the hardest thing about starting up a home business is finding a unique product that people would want to buy and you already have that. Just market the shit out of it with web banners, links etc...
If you want any help, let me know. I have experience doing all these things for businesses. :)
I will definitely be hitting you for some of this 'help' you are offering.
If I do make cards to sell I probably will just have the "Happy Halloween", but not the "-Beatrix & Trixy" part?
i'd buy these cards!
Xandra, Xanthe, Xaviera, Xeni, Xenia, Ximena, Xuxa, Xylia
Xander, Xanthus, Xavier, Xenophon, Xenos, Xerxes, Ximenes, Xiomar
I like Xeni.
i like the name Trixy, it fits well. but i like Lexis too even though it's a car.
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