Jess tells me that I need more dark broodings in my Lj so I can be more like everyone else. Well, I can't think of a darker brooder than Ole T Dub. Here are the lyrics to my favorite Xmas Song:
Christmas Sucks
Tom Waits and Peter Murphy
Oh, give me a noose I can hang from a tree
I need no excuse to end my misery
This holiday season is all the more reason to die.
Oh, pull up a stool and an ear to a fool
Who once found some solace in the season of Yule
This holiday season is all the more reason to cry.
I put on my mittens, one green and one red
And I walk alone where they bury the dead
The snow falls as I breath
It's a gothic, death wrought Christmas Eve.
The bottle is empty, the sleigh has a flat
The stripper in my bed is ugly and fat
Her tassels are tangled
And whats worse my jingle won't jangle.
This time of the year makes me sick to my guts
All this good cheer is a pain in the nuts
When its your career to be down in the dumps
Tidings of comfort and joy really suck!
I feel like St.Nicholas is pulling my leg
This thing we call Christmas is a sorry black plague
This holiday season is all the more reason to DIE!
The song's message is only reinforced by the fact that it is almost noon and the FUCKING PLOW GUY HASN'T SHOWN UP YET! The storm has been over for about 18 hours, the landlord has been called by every floor and yelled at by some, and this morning we tenants all banded together and liberated our vehicles. It took all of us to dig out the cars. We could have done it in a quarter of the time, had there been some actual, ahhh, how do you say? Oh, yes SNOW REMOVAL. But the driveway still isn't plowed. The landlord said that he is using "this buddy of mine". I'm glad that I pay a lot of money for services that aren't provided. I don't have to put up with this shit on the fourth of july.