Everyone is doing it!!! I must do it too!!

Jan 03, 2006 21:00


1 MINUTE AGO: eating fruit salad
1 HOUR AGO: reading
1 DAY AGO: evolvedbeyondu: :-* lol ok (at this exact time of 9:06)
1 YEAR AGO: homework, or not doing homework i had

I LOVE: Music Running
I HATE: uhh, i cant hate stuff, its not like me.
I FEAR: A lot of stupid little things

I FEEL: Awesomely perfectly pantsless, i have no clue
I DRIVE: ......shut up
I NEED: to do something important
I THINK: about random shit like...stuff


First piercing: none
First credit card: dont have one
First enemy: hmm...id have to say Brian Fielding. there is no way i wasnt mad at him in kindergarden
First instrument: Piano  
Last big car ride: Rochester
Last movie seen: One of those shorts on kevins site....no comment
Last food consumed: fruit salad
Last phone call: evan santoro asked about math homework
Last CD played: A Night At The Opera
Last drink drank: Water


I AM: This is boring
I WANT: aaaah you
I HAVE: a penis
I WISH: many things i guess one thing more than the others
I WONDER: why, yea i think i wonder with the word why most of the time
I DANCE: i cant dance
I SING: never
I CRY: like an emo freak (not really)
I WONT: ...i dont knwo



COLOR: red
DAY(S): saturday
SEASON: spring


HELPED SOMEONE? i think so
GOTTEN SICK? i am never ever sick
WRITTEN A REAL LETTER? i dont think i have ever written a real letter


WRITTEN IN A DIARY?: yea cuz im an emo freak...(not really)
HAD A SERIOUS TALK?: umm maybe, depends on what serious is
YELLED AT SOMEONE? i havnt been mad at someone in a while.


Have you Ever?

Toilet Paper someone's house: yup

Played Poker with money: uh yea

Gone swimming in a white T-shirt: mhm

Been tickled so hard you couldn't talk: yes

Liked someone but never told them: of course

Went camping: yea

Had a crush on your brother's friend: if i had a brother....

Walk in the rain without an umbrella: mr brown is insane

Been in a talent show: Britney Ears!!!!!!!!!

Started laughing at someone's bedtime: My mommy

Worn somthing your mom didn't appove of: she didnt want me to wear my Red Sox Suck shirt to school

Been to a nude beach: nope

Cursed in a church: nope

Been called a slut for kissing someone: no

Burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightner: my sister chased me with one...

Wanted to be a police officer: nope

Dumped someone: no

Been hit on by someone too old: of course, who couldnt?

Wanted to be a model: no

Bought lottery tickets: nope but i won $25 on a scratch off one

Made out in a car: not yet

Cried during a movie: nope, my cousin cried in saving private ryan though

Wanted something you couldn't have: yea, a lot

Had sex on the beach: nope

Had the drink sex on the beach: uh no

Hung up on someone: i hate the phone! i hang up my cell before i answer

Yelled at your pet: it was for a good reason

Tried to strip when drunk: no

Gotten seasick: nope

Had a stalker: hmm, i dont know

Played a prank on someone that had them really scared: yea, but it was my mom

Been embarassed by one of your family: not really

Felt bad about eating meat: why the hell would i? its there, its dead eat it. if it moos on the plate then i understand

Protested: hmm, not really, no

Been to an island: yea

Been in love: yea =)

Ate just because you were bored: all the time, but i dont gain weight

Looked at something everyone else said was ugly and said "aww": maybe

Screamed in a library: nope

Made out with a stranger: nope

Been Dumped: no

Asked a guy to dance: not seriously

Laughed so hard you cried: many times

Went up to a complete stranger and started talking: i cant do that, never have been able to

Been sunburned: maybe, but im Italian, i go out with no lotion and get tan

Kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert: nope, but i have during a soccer game

Threw up in school: after school during track practice many times

Recieved an anonymous love letter: yea look at my comments form last year

Had to wear something you hated: yea, but i kinda was payed to

Saw your ex and wanted to kick her/his ass: nope

Cursed in front of your parents: yea but my parents dont care, i dont swear at them

Been in a commerical on tv: that would be cool

Watched a movie that made you miss your ex: nope

Been out of the country: yeah

Been honked at while walking down the sidewalk: yup, people like to honk at you when you run, they think its funny....

Won at pool: i suck

Been lost out to sea: nope

Cheated on your gf/bf: nope

Been cheated on: dotn think so

Been attacked by seagulls: nope, only when i had bread inmy hair but that doesnt count

Been searched in an airport: my pants almost fell off

Been on a plane: many times

Thrown a shoe at someone: yup

Broke someone's heart: dont know

Sung in the shower: yeah

Bought something way too expensive: nope

Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: yeah

been walked in on when you were dressing: id yell first and the door closes

Ran out of a theatre because you were too scared of a movie: no

Been kicked out of the mall: i dont liek the mall

Been mean to someone then wanted to take it back: probably, i hate being mean

Been given detention on the worst day you could get one: nope

Fell off your roof: no

Pretended you were scared so you could cuddle with someone:  this is not for guys, ive begun to notice that

Had a deer jump in front of your car: yes!! and if it didnt move i couldve missed work, stupid moving deer

Threatened someone with a water gun: of course

CAN YOU.....

Unwrap a starburst with your tounge: yup

Sing: it is possible....

Open your eyes underwater: yea

Ice skate: mhm

Sing in front of a crowd: nope

Whistle: of course, my cousin was the national whistling champion, its true

Be a bitch at times: maybe, i dont know

Do thirty pull ups: yea

Walk in really high heals: i can ride a unicycle, i think i have the balance to do it

Eat super spicy foods: hell no

skateboard: haha, my ass would hurt, a lot

Sleep with the lights on: yea...who cant?

Mulititask: hell yea

Touch your nose with your tounge: i cant suck my tounge into my nose...damn not anymore i just tried, but still can touch it

Fall asleep easily in the car: no

Do the cotton eye joe: not at all

Play DDR and not fall: yea

Surf: nope

Taste the difference between pepsi and coke: yea
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