Despite my HUGE aversion to Johnny Knoxville, and Jessica Simpson, and probably that other guy I absolutely love Willie Nelson (or at least I think thats the old hillbilly in the movie lol), and despite my objection to most things southern, upstate NY, or most things rural and "hill folky", the movie looks fun. Is something wrong with me? How can a crossdressing bisexual urban yankee stupid face like myself possibly even think this throw back to Republican Confederate Nazi movie seem even remotely apealing? I don't even watch Blue Collar Comedy (usually) despite watching Comedy Central nearly ANY other time, even at 5am when they show long ass infomercial length comercials.
Yet for some reason I want to watch it. However I also kind of feel that like the Passion I shouldn't watch this movie on principle. That principle being Jessica Simpson and Johnny Knoxville are fucking retards. The Guy who plays Boss Hog is awesome though, I forgot his name. Maybe I'll go and cheer for Boss Hog.
Comments 2
Yet for some reason I want to watch it. However I also kind of feel that like the Passion I shouldn't watch this movie on principle. That principle being Jessica Simpson and Johnny Knoxville are fucking retards. The Guy who plays Boss Hog is awesome though, I forgot his name. Maybe I'll go and cheer for Boss Hog.
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