Title: “The best fic in the entire world, and if you don’t agree you’re stupid”
Author: Me.
Rating: I don’t really kno what ratings are so I’m gonna give it a A+.
Spoiler alerts: Spoilers for tomorrow nite’s epuhsode, for the part where Castul and Bekket have sex and Ryan and Espuzido are listening thru the door.
Disclaimer: I own Castle and all the
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Comments 34
I love you so damn much right now. I can't stop laughing. You just made the short list of my favorite things. XD
Glad you enjoyed it ^^;;; honestly, it was actually fairly painful to write...but it was amusing to re-read x] The sad part is that it's actually not too far off from how some people ACTUALLY write o_o;;;
In other news, I think that was the fastest turnaround, start-to-finish time for any fic that I've ever written o_O Partly because I didn't run it past a beta. Bucuz i dont need uh beta. Bucuz i'm uh speshal snowflake.
I can imagine. >.< Yeah, I've read those fics. They make me die a little inside.
Of course not! You're clearly the next Charlie dickings!
... LOL @ CHARLIE DICKINGS!!!!! OMGOMGOMG XD lawlsohard. I freaking love you.
I love you too.
Hehehehehe. I do miss my little girl panties though, but only coz they were BADASS and had my little pony on them....
ps: hi i'm Topetine :P ty for making Coffeebuddha lawlsohard she deserves it <3 :D
I DID. THEY WERE AWESOME. I may have actually thrown the tempertantrum to end all temper tantrums when mom finally threw them out. I still haven't quite forgiven her almost 20 years later.
Still haven't forgiven her for "accidentally" selling my slinky at a garage sale either, but mostly b/c she refuses to admit she did.
=O OH NO! ;_; poor slinky. Poor ponies! So sad.
These two lines in particular really got to me:
“Yeah I’m hungry lets go eat some brekfust,” says Castul. But then he opens the door & finds Ryan and Espuzido on the floor naked ‘cuz they had sex two.
“That’s ok” says Espuzido. “I’m actually the guverner of Hawaii & I just made it legal there.”
Just. Wow.
This is quite possibly the longest review I have posted all weekend, so I am just going to wrap it up by saying, in short, THIS FIC MADE ME CRY.
Oh, you sad, sad person. How could you not tell Ryan and Espuzido apart? Ryan's obviously the latino, and Espuzido's that other guy, the white guy. Duh.
I know, right? What can I say? I'm a wordsmith. I have a real way with...with...you know, uh...with words. Those two lines were definitely among my masterpieces.
I really hope those are tears of laughter and not pain ^_^;;; or perhaps laughter AT the pain?
Also. ICON LOVE! I freaking adore it. Where'd you get it? Can I steal it? =O
You can totes have that icon. I made it. It's part of a batch that hasn't quite made onto my LJ yet. I should really get on that. ;)
=O OMG! Yay! *steals icon* It's so true, too. There really is subtext between them...and it's so obvious that someone may as well have put up a sign that reads "OMG SUBTEXT" in big red letters every time one speaks to the other.
I am so moved.
Like... the TEARS!
And so Castul and Bexxie and Ryan and Espuzido lived happily ever after. And then there's a spin-off series that features their children growing up together.
I thought Esposito being named governor was a nice twist, even though it was somewhat predictable -- after all, he's obviously a politician in DISGUISE as a homicide detective. Duh.
Also, you're ugly and your mama dresses you funny.
I love you.
waaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaah waaaaaah why r ppl so meannnn?!?!?!? *sobbing big tears*
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